600W drip system inspiration

Hi growers. Here is one of my many attempts to grow some flowers indoor - years ago. I hope, that it will help begginers, or maybe like inspiration for advanced growers.
Some info about setup :
Girls : PowerPlant, 4x Buddha 4x Nebula
Light: HPS Sylvania 600W, cooltube, analog timer, lamp innards are out of room
System: Drip-system
I let them grow without trimming - jungle style :smiley: cause I like fat main buds.
I spoke to flowers and sometimes I give them some music :slight_smile:
Room: 1,8m x 0,6m, heat insulator : polystyren 15 cm, mounting foam, silicone. Floor : heat insulator, asphalt, linoleum. The inside of the entire room is painted whith white washable color.
Air : vent 800m3/hour, ON 1/2 hour before lighting up, OFF 1/2 hour after extinction, air supply : masive bathroom vent. For better circulation of air - circulation vent (moving of flowers is good for strong stipes.
Drip : 50 l reservoir,digitáln,digital timer ELTIMO, 2x air pump, thermostat with heater 200 W, fountain pump
Substrate : Cocco substrate (Lingocel),Agroperlit,keramzit,Grodan
Food: AH (EC from 0,8 for babyes to 2,2 before flushing),B´Cuzz root and bloom
stimulator 1ml/1l, Phytamin, pH – HNO3, H3PO4
Other : thermometer, pH and EC testers, humidifier
So this is it - sorry for my english, I am sure, that you understand :smiley: in čase of some questions do not hesitate to ask . Best regards :wink:
And now pictures…


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Really nice sausage, clones looked like beggars, good care you made them champions!

Wow… Very impressive!

Few questions:

What pH do you aim for? For how long do you usually flush with cocos?

I can second that 2.2 EC in coco as maximum value, with proper flushing taste is great… (@metaphysical has similar setup, I hope he will post it soon)

Have you crossed 1 gram per watt ? :slight_smile: