Thousands watts with Sea of Green 4x1000w Coco Drip

My classical grow style - Sea of green in 20x20x25cm pots filled with coco (biobizz or canna recommended).

Drip system with filter and pressure limiters (for even watering).


have you had your stuff tested after using a sulfur burner??? i wouldnt be able to smoke it unless i knew for a fact there is nothing leftover. IPM with neem oil aloe and silica once or twice in veg and you wont have any spidermites. i have mites all over my mulch and they also have a home under my pot. a sulfur burner would kill of everything of mine then if the bad guys get in first id get fuckedXD

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Hi lotus710, of course you are right that is it not ideal. Sulfur burner is meant as “savior of last resort” because probably by any other means I wouldn’t be able to save the buds… In this case it was due to poor choice of growing space. We moved next door after this harvest (it was probably close to some really infested mites colony). Sadly, because it was well equipped and it took some work to build it…

I haven’t got it tested as this batch haven’t reached any medical patients, we used it just for personal purposes. As far as I can tell from just smoking, it tasted good and I couldn’t tell any strange smell or taste. Would be interesting to make a test though as seller of this burner advocates its use (but of course it is better to use it long before harvest to let it disintegrate).

Thanks for your tip, so you mean using neem oil aloe as kind of prevention?

Some more pics before harvest




Be sure to check also my cloning guide. :shamrock:

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Sulfur Evaporator Nivola - Dutch solution used for many years to fight Powdery Mildew (very frequent problem in cannabis growroom also).
The problem with PM is that it is type of mold which unlike other molds does like dry environment. (But we usually want low humidity in late flower phase).

You can find more on their website: Nivola B.V. and Specifications PDF

It has 100W heating element and you fill it with sulfur tablet. One vaporizer is per 100m2 so it is probably overkill for all small cabinets and short time exposition would suffice. Nivola offers this as ecological approach (approved by MJP-G - dutch agricultural norms).

From their PDF:

The well-known consultancy for the Dutch agrarian sector, De Landbouw Voorlichting (DLV). makes recommendations for the effective prevention of mildew.

Sulphur vaporization is generally recognized as one of the best methods for the prevention and control of mildew. This solution is moreover in line with the ecological approach taken by the MJPG. The precondition, however, is that the sulphur vapour really reaches every corner, gap and crack. To achieve this, the separate components of the vaporizer must be equal to their job and accurately adjusted to one another. The effectiveness of an electric sulphur vaporizer depends on the interplay of factors which never stand alone. It is only in a sophisticated design that the correct balance can be found between good reach, a high vaporization value per unit of time and in this way, minimal power consumption.


Few more shots…






Meta your room is gorgeous! Your cannopy is even better :astonished: plants look B.E.A.UTIFUL…


I like your setup. Can you tell me more about those pots with the drains attached? Plants look great, I bet your yields are pretty high. I wouldn’t worry about the sulfur. Wineries that age in barrels have been using it or straight Sulfur dioxide gas to sanitize the barrels for a loooong time.

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Ahoy sailor

When do we launch the boat on that enigmatic sea of green!

Big like!


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I was thinking than the SOG was losted in the memory of ages, then i see this thread. I’m in love, big unconditional fan of this method since decades. And your space is a true ambassador of this old school manner to beat the time with yield. Much respect and best vibes.


Thread revival!! Lol. Just kidding…I have nothing to add. Wish I was as organized as @metaphysical when I was single…lol


Ho kidding, these threads are a fountain of knowledge. I don’t know if OP is still around, but many thanks @methaphysical!