Tonygreens RIL Group Buy Grow Show (Closed)

And Sorry for your loss :cry:


Sorry about your loss-

It hurts to lose your mother…


Thank you both @Vagabond_Windy and @vaportrail.

I didn’t say that for the sympathy or well wishes, just as an example that we have all been thru tough shit, but you gotta keep on keeping on!

Again thanks all the same bros.


Hahaha maybe two more weeks. Hahahahahaha


Damn, @corgitron that is most devious of you I have never tried any of Tony’s gear.

So if you want to, you can surprise me. LOL the 9th is my B-day. :star_struck:


Having lost a parent is rough on your spirit, hang in there man, my condolences.
What a blessing it is to make another Bday…
Yes sir, make the most of every day you have that breath of life!!

Grace and Peace Brother


Thank you @iggypuffs
You know man, how the weirdest things can bring it all right back.
She passed the day before her 72nd birthday, but at least she was with us talking and laughing on Mothers Day.
Be Thankful for what you get each day!


if they merely decrim it I bet they still grab seeds

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Decriminalization Vs Legalization - What’s the Difference?

29 July, 2020

Decriminalization Vs Legalization - What’s the Difference?

The subject of cannabis policy reform is littered with complex jargon and confusing terminology. Though no two terms provoke more confusion and misunderstanding than “legalization” and “decriminalization.”

As the race for the White House heats up, the question of future cannabis policy reform in the United States is a seriously hot topic right now. Particularly given how Joe Biden has hinted as widespread cannabis decriminalization, though nothing close to legalization, if he gets the job later this year.

But what exactly does decriminalization mean? More importantly, what (if anything) is the main difference between decriminalization and legalization?

Decriminalization and Legalization Are Not the Same Thing
Contrary to the common misconception, decriminalization and legalization are actually two entirely different concepts. With decriminalization, the clue is in the name itself - an alteration to cannabis policy that results in small-time cannabis possession and use no longer being a criminal offence.

The simplest comparison would be something like a speeding ticket or a citation for littering. You’re technically breaking the law in both instances (speeding and littering are illegal), but you won’t end up with a criminal record or face the prospect of jail time. Instead, you’re slapped with a fine and told not to do it again.

Where cannabis is decriminalized, it’s pretty much the same - you face a civil fine when caught with small quantities on your person, on the strict condition that it is exclusively for personal use.

However, what constitutes ‘for personal use’ in terms of the quantity you’re carrying differs significantly from one jurisdiction to the next. As do rules regarding where you decide to consume your cannabis and the method by which you’re transporting it (driving with an open cannabis container is illegal in most places).

Legalization of Cannabis
The difference is that with legalization, you’re permitted to carry, consume and (sometimes) grow certain quantities of cannabis, without facing any fines or penalties whatsoever.

Where cannabis is decriminalized, you could still end up with a criminal record or jail-time by pushing things past very strict personal use limitations. Where cannabis has been legalized, you’d have to take things to extremes to end up in trouble.

Decriminalize vs Legalize
As to which of the two works best, the answer is a simple case of common sense. To decriminalize cannabis is to more or less acknowledge the fact that it’s neither a harmful substance nor a threat to society as we know it. The problem is that even when cannabis is decriminalized, there’s still technically no way of getting hold of the stuff legally.

If anything, decriminalization plays directly into the hands of the black market, fueling demand among dealers and growers operating illegally. All of which leads to one massive headache for the jurisdiction in question, along with incalculable losses of potential tax dollars.

When cannabis is legalized, it can be regulated, subjected to extensive quality and safety checks, controlled, monitored and taxed. The simple fact of the matter being that if people want to get hold of cannabis, they’re going to do so - one way or the other. Decriminalization more or less gives folks the green-light to light up (carefully and discreetly), though gives them no legal outlet to score the stuff they need.

Read the Rules Carefully
In any case, it’s important to remember that with both decriminalization and legalization, different states impose very different rules. What’s 100% legal in one state could (literally) see you headed to jail for the best part of a decade a couple of miles away over the nearest state line.

For the time being, therefore, taking things for granted isn’t a good idea. It remains to see how Biden handles the whole thing if he ousts Trump, but early indications point to a slightly less confusing future for US cannabis policy.


@Hugh_Glass hit me up and said that he was thinking about starting a seed company called Hugh Glass’s Tortured Beans. Mentioned something about breeding a GG4 RIL. I told him it had most likely been done before, but I wished him well in his venture all the same.

In all seriousness, @Hugh_Glass, you still out there? Positive vibes…



Decriminalizing or legalizing makes no difference, they will always grab beans crossing the border. They do it for agricultural restrictions, not weed laws. At least that’s how I understand it. It’s the department of agriculture that takes and destroys them as they are not certified pesticide free.


I think it is certifying they are free of pests and transmissible disease


I think you are right about that, I know they need a certificate stating they are pesticide free as well. While these laws screw with us cannabis growers they do serve a purpose.


I think it’s safe to say at this point that something has gone wrong here and this is dead. The only GG4 I really wanted was from @Tonygreen. Definitely disappointing.



I refuse to believe that. I’m not usually gullible or naive, so if I’m wrong and we have been screwed, believe me - I’ll be shocked. It just does NOT make sense that he’d take the seeds and not the cash. If the seeds were packaged in breeder packs, that’d be a different story - but they weren’t.

Out of curiosity, do any of you know Hugh personally? If so, please step up and tell us what’s going on with him. In no uncertain terms, THOSE OF US WHO PAID UP FOR THESE BEANS DESERVE TO KNOW.


I’ve been waiting patiently like everyone else, but he has given me no reason to believe otherwise. If something has gone wrong he should at least make the post. My house burned down and I lost the seeds, or I had a heart attack, or I was overwhelmed with this, or something…


I :100:percent agree! OG and Tony got theirs, and the man that has the seeds visits but doesn’t post. Not saying Tony or OG did anything wrong they did what they said they would do.

These beans are gone and we got suckered, unfortunately that is how the cannabis world works.
Hugh asked for addys on May 7th ,but never shipped one package.

What do they say, “If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably isn’t true!”
Triple the beans, at half the price, I think qualifies as too good to be true.

Now I see why you had to use Venmo to pay, no way to get your money back.
Live and learn!
Just saddens me to think that, I shouldn’t get involved in any OG server fundraisers, cause I could get ripped off.
Thanks to @Hugh_Glass


Who’s got the money if the money was sent to Huggies (sorry it auto corrected and felt appropriate)….did Tony and OG get the money somewhere I missed?

I remember he didn’t want to use Venmo or something cuz he didn’t want to use his real info….hmmm

Then again maybe he got popped with all those seeds and our personal info.

That extra pack of RIL #1 may come in handy.



Do you understand that Hugh had nothing to do with the pricing? @Tonygreen established the pricing and contribution structure. Are you implying Tony’s entire “Group Buy Grow Show” was a sham or “too good to be true”? Sheesh! I understand your frustration, but Tony did everything and exactly what he promised. In fact, above and beyond, if you ask me…

Look, I know Hugh has hurt his reputation with this delay in shipping, but for those who forgot (or never knew) - Hugh put together the BOG group buy and handled shipping. Once again, he had the cash in hand, but he sent it to BOG and BOG sent the seeds to Hugh. Of course, the difference is, Hugh shipped everything out within a week of receiving the seeds.

@Hydro-420, Hugh sent the money to Tony and @LemonadeJoe got the contributions for the “server fund” from Tony’s payment before Hugh got the seeds from Tony.


Thanks for clarification of funds.

Weird - just doesn’t seem like someone could offload a batch of Tony RILla without someone here catching game somewhere. But I guess you can rename it and make your own brand of fire…Microsoft did…it worked for them


FULL GO! Lmao!

I didn’t imply that at all, you inferred that I said that. Yes, it is too good to be true, because No one got any seeds. Glad I was short on cash when payment was due, otherwise I would be out 165 bucks instead of 55!