TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Were your MB15’s a bit on the tall side?
I am stealing that pick for my jungle thread. :sunglasses:


Ya, not as bad as the strictly chems but they are up there, I was surprised but shouldn’t have been with the pedigree. When topped all lowers shot up to make a perfect circle of 10 tops around the center, no LST, nothing just let her do her thing, and out of 10 I planted only 2 were female and one a weird mutant.


I think I need to go this route

Back in the 90’s I was on the peters professional stuff.
That was 20-20-20 then 5-50-17 then something for flower finish.
Why do I like your formula @Jetdro ?
Well 20-20-20 is well balanced for veg.
The 10-30-20 lowers the N while boosting the P just slightly.
In the later stages of flower you need less P and more K.
So slowly dropping the P and working up the K while keeping N low, makes perfect sense.

I just recently tried the 3-2-1 plan and I reuse my soil.
I have not been able to attend my plants properly and I had a K build up pretty bad and burnt all my plants.
I did not use any boosters.
How do I know it was a K build up?
I used 12-61-0 to correct things, I am almost out of the woods here.
But the moral to the story is…
I really like your plan, and I think I will use it next go-round.
I have been looking for something like this without actively seeking it.

Thanks for posting the helpful info, your the man! :star_struck:


hmmm LSD
one of the other things my mentor was known for was having a guy on Vancouver Island who made this incredible liquid LSD. He was a chemist that graduated from UVic. I would help Sandy make the liquid into paper/blotter. That involved one visine bottle of LSD and 250mls of alcohol to a sheet perforated with 1000 hits/tabs. He used to get me to use my buddies as guinea pigs to test the strength LOL One of my closest friends who passed away on april 13th this year, Wayne, he was always the go to guinea pig LOL I remember the first time sandy introduced me to the liquid … I walked in the door , and he just said hey, come here and stick out your tongue… hmmmm okay… 2 drops on my tongue and I was literally fucked right into space and other dimensions… wayne came by some time late the first day and he was given one tab of the blotter. He was messed up for a good solid 24hrs. I was still trippin balls on the third morning and then I slept for 2 days. Fun times… and I made a shitload of coin off that blotter. We would stamp the sheets with Gumpy and Pokey rubber stamps and food coloring thickened with a bit of icing sugar. It was so strong people were calling it funny things like Triple Dipped and Triple X. LOL the 90’s were sure fun for me but I haven’t touched that stuff in decades. My last trip was on some kind of amanita mushroom from south america. Our buddy troy is into all that ayauasca and halucinagenic plants/fungi but is a little off the deepend of that pool. I drank the scrapings from that dried mushroom … the part that isn’t total poison … troy prepared the teas for 3 of us. 2 hours later I was totally fucked … troy and tony fucked off to the store or something. I don’t remember the rest of the night but the next morning I find out that tony wandered off from troys place thinking he could walk home… the instant he was outside he was lost… 6 blocks away. He called his wife to come find him hahaha
I’ll stick with my weed


I always just dump a tablespoon of gypsum on the surface of the soil. It slowly disintegrates!


That is a bad ratio, but thanks for the report.
Good or bad inquiring minds want to know. :wink:

Do you use the Diamond K solution grade gypsum?

Power SI is a bit overpriced if you ask me.
Check out this thread and you may be able to save some money.

This question may require a chemist for the proper answer.
But the short answer is water can only hold so much in solution so yes putting too many things in one solution can cause dilution issues but also cross talk type reactions.
Like 2 things can combine to become 1 complex thing and fall out of solution.
Silicon is know to do this, I would be careful how you mix this one.

This is a good choice for adding gypsum, less issues when you have a separate rez.
You don’t need the gypsum with every feed.

BTW @TopShelfTrees1
That small rez gypsum system was designed for use with coco.
Our own aspen at the lab has showed me how well that works.

This is real good advice and I think this one comes from our buddy Coastal at the Lab.
Aspen uses it but most of her tricks come from coastal.

You have to mix a certain way or it is super easy to cheese up things with SI.


@shag, my man. Yeah I use diamond k for gypsum. Okay. I’m gonna back way off on my gypsum. My plants stay growing well, but I almost wonder if they are missing something that helps them bulk due to the over use of gypsum.


Too much K will do that.
Smaller yield but real frosty.


LSD and me never saw eye to eye. Tried it a few times in my late teens, just wasn’t for me. Night always ended lying in bed staring at the ceiling, wishing I could come down. Plus I always felt…I don’t know…greasy.


That’s good to know for sure. I was getting really good results sticking to the recipe. Then I was having problems with yellowing during veg. I was like "I know how to fix this and just started blasting gypsum. Problem fixed itself and I just left gypsum with the pedal to the metal from there out. I don’t know if it was due to different genetics, but I noticed yield cut about in half on average.


@shag is our resident gypsum expert among other things


Ooh lala. Tell me more about the other things :kissing_heart: hahaha


I just hit my shit with diamond K gypsum yesterday for the first time. I’m going to hit it again on the next feed and then go to once a week. No more Cal Mag supplement. Minus the calcitic lime already in there and the vermiculite. Oh and the continued use of Molasses.


Atta boy, I should do the same tbh, hate buying coco cal


Shag, how much Diamond K would I add to a gallon of water for soil?


I’m going for better end product this outdoor.


Was that outdoor bubble gum your last outdoor grow?


That is funny shit dude I always felt the same way.
I think it does make your skin oily.

Look out world @ColeLennon has taken the first step off the porch and is now running with the big dogs.
Bold move brother I like it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


For me I just top dress in soil like @JoeCrowe said.
And really I just toss some on, depending on the pot size I use a little more or a little less.
But I like to water mine in right away with a weak nute solution.
Not real weak, just not strong.

I would guess I use about 1 teaspoon per gallon of soil.
If you want to get real specific you can use a PPM meter to hit around 300 ppm using the 0.5 scale.
Feed this to runoff as this will help wash salt build up out and away from the roots and reset the CEC.

I would start off lower maybe half of that amount to test the effects with your current feed and see how things go.


I never took it, still desperately want to though :+1:
Probably best I didn’t try as a teen lol