TrevorLahey's Trailer Park 2020

already there Greenhouse Seeds does it, and color codes it for themselves.


Makes me want to buy their seeds to see for myself thats so cool we really are living in the future!

From the link above:


Superstrike Clover seed treatment includes:

  • A systemic nematicide – to protect seedlings from soil nematodes, widely regarded as New Zealand’s most costly pasture pest, affecting clover establishment and performance
  • Molybdenum – an essential trace element for clover establishment
  • Lime – provides localised pH correction around the seedling for improved clover root nodulation
  • Rhizobia – inoculated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Note – continued presence of rhizobia after inoculation, and establishment of rhizobia in pasture, depends on many things and is not guaranteed.

Superstrike Clover can improve the performance of clover seedlings in all situations.

And the pics look identical to what I was sold today.

Future, I tell ya…


old video and even been a bit since Franco had passed but they show a bit here.


So doing some further research on the benefits of clover as a living mulch and I’m finding a lot of reasons not to. Apparently it attracts alot of pests and in no-dig beds it can adversely affect the amount of nutrients available to your plants. It spreads rapidly throughout your bed and even into your lawn and can completely take over your bed and make it difficult to get rid of just like a weed.

Not even sure how much to use and do I cover the whole bed then pull it up when I need to put a plant in there?


Roughly a tablespoon of seed per square foot. It wont rob nutrients if you keep it chopped low. As long as you are not planting rooted clones, the plants will outcompete the clover. Just dig it up when you put the plants in. As the plants get bigger, they will shade out the clover and it will die off.

Dont forget the benefits, nitrogen fixation, moisture retention, erosion prevention, etc…


So I’m expected to cut it back from time to time? That’s gonna suck lol And when to sow, before or after putting plants in?


Yeah, it’s a living mulch, that’s kind of the idea. But like I said, once the plant is big enough (couple feet) it should shade out most of the clover anyway. If you dont do a living mulch layer, at least cover it with straw or cardboard.


Fair enough, I guess I should sow some then. I did plan on trying some direct sown autos in a patch in here too hopefully that wont be too much of an issue. Thanks for the info kinfolk.


:four_leaf_clover: Aphids, leafhoppers & whitefly seem to dig it. :unamused: I’ll probably use alfalfa hay at 20$/bale.

It does work as mulch & continous organic N feeding.

Lawn invasion? Plthhh… it’ll help the mf lawn. :laughing:




Hmmm. This is exactly the info I needed. I have bad issues with aphids AND leafhoppers here every year and I built this bed with the gravel and weed-free approach because they always start on the surrounding weeds before moving to my plants.

I am NOT using it if it’s an aphid magnet as one of this years man goals is to control them. They did an absolute number on my crops last year.

Wow thank god for your reply @cannabissequoia I was going to sow it tonight and that would have been awful.

Edit: And alfalfa hay well, that’s just available everywhere here at $5 a bale including the horse farm next to my house… lol


Day 55 on this tent. I still expect things to run another 2-3 weeks or so as that’s what I’ve been finishing at lately in this environment.

As bad as this DDxSBR looks, it hasn’t progressed damage-wise in almost a week since I took her EC down to around 1.4.

She is going to be the yielder this run, too.

In the SP250 tent I have some overflow from the other tents and 18 new seeds started. I started the last 4 of my FAMs and 8 Dark Sparks, these will be to fill the SP250 tent and possibly the Bridgelux tent if I get enough good phenos.

I also started 6 more photoperiod plants for outdoor. I know it’s a little late, but my photos I have ready for outdoor arent looking so hot and I need an insurance policy (more on that later) I started 4 more of the Northern Outdoor Mix from Seedsheaven, a random fem from a Female Seeds mix, and a Janis by FDM.

In the propagation tent I have 4 photoperiod plants and 3 dark spark rejects from another project. They needed to be transplanted 3 weeks ago but I wanted them fitting inside the prop tent so it’s way overdue.

I got 2 females for sure (front middle and front right) and I’m still not sure on the other 2. I already threw out 2 males from this batch so I’m hoping at least one of the remaining 2 are girls.

2 girls:

2 unknowns but probably males :frowning:

As for the outdoor it’s just about to time to start taking plants outside. There shouldnt be any more frost and I think theres enough light in the day to keep most strains in veg. Gotta harden the ones I have off, and where they’re sickly looking now I’m not sure how they’re going to adapt to being outside.

Good thing I got a bunch of autos on hand as they are going to be an outdoor insurance policy if everything goes wrong before it even starts. Lol.


Always good to have back up, you got a couple more of the fluffy ones in this next lot as well, is it a regular mutation of that strain?


Due to my affinity to mutants, @Mr.Sparkle sent me his remaining seeds from his ATM pheno. These ones had alot of weird traits in the mix, some negative and some just plain interesting like the fluffy “pussy willow” pheno but yeah that’s mostly what I run these days as thats what I have lol


They look interesting, dont seem to have to many leaves on them.


I get acceptable yields out of them to the point where I’m usually pretty excited when I get one. They look like normal plants until like week 6 or 7 and at that point you might as well let em finish.

Their potency is on the higher end of the Dark Spark/Devil family I’m assuming because more of the bud is exposed to light/air and can mature more fully before being harvested.

I just finished off the jar of the last stuff I had, it was a good time lol


It must be almost like pre ground, with lots of tiny individual buds.


the couple ive let finish yeah pretty much, just alot of calyxs


That’s actually exactly what it looks like in the jar. And the big quart jar was stuffed full last time I had it. It’s also really easy to harvest just grab and pull to strip it. Also was one of the only plants not to have a bit of mold on it last round despite being right next to it.


Day 61 in the Bridgelux tent, RH has shot up this last week with all the rain (and had the oscillation function on my tower fan stop working) so I figured it would be a good idea to do a pretty heavy defoliation while I let these girls finish up.



Check out this monster DDxSBR



Oh and this Dark Spark got some pretty dense popcorn nugs which is something I dont often see with this strain


:+1: all the way around :scissors:

makin’ @Mr.Sparkle :sparkle: proud :joy:

:evergreen_tree: washooooo!