Twenty20 seeds

Hey there! I ordered a pack of their vidamints and I was curious as to how they track the number of days for the plants to finish it says 70 to 80 days does that mean from when the seed sprouts or is that the amount of time it takes once the plant decides to flower? I’m really new to autos and don’t fully understand how to interpret what breeders mean when they say these plants will finish in “x to y” days.


70 to 80 days after they break through the soil. They seem to always go longer than they say, it’s just a loose guide line. The conditions will always affect the take down time so it is best to watch the trichomes and the colors. Just the way I do it. :sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Like Ohno said this is the seed to harvest time started by the breeder.
Fun fact: It’s almost never correct. Use ripeness cues from the plant to determine harvest time :bear::+1:


Definitely a fact! :man_facepalming:t2:


Yeah the other couple of times I ran them I didn’t pay much attention to the amount of days.

Edit: I just checked them glands to see if it was chopping day

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You can only have so much control over mother nature

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I’ve never had an auto be ripe sooner than 3 months from breaking soil.

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They can be faster :wink: this little girl was ready in 6 weeks :wink::rofl:
…I have actually had some modest but real size plants ready in 8 weeks, but yeah, 10-12 is a more realistic minimum if they’re happy plants and you want some gold in your trichomes.


I’ve got three about that size currently. I like a bunch of amber. :nerd_face:
Gotta give them plenty of space and soil volume, that’s for sure.

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It’s adorable lol but impressive it only took 6 weeks.

Dam Half a Joint…

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It’s a stress thing, and maybe some chemical signals from the other plants. It was a volunteer in the pot of another auto, so not enough space. When it popped up the other was already entering flower, so nutrients were lower on nitrogen too. I left it just for fun.

Would be entertaining to do a race to fastest harvest some time with beans we don’t care about harvest size on. :star_struck: