Using Silica and what are the benefits

Silica ___ helps row stronger , increase their defense against fungal pathogens, deter nibbling pest, boost yields in with soil Ii is worth using !!!


I’ve used liquid silicon for years and still on the same one litre bottle.
Dosage is 1ml per litre I believe it does do as its legend says which is primarily strengthening cell walls, it also increases ph and provides resistance to some moulds which in the UK climate is helpful.
It also helps transport your nutrients throughout the plant, I see it as an infrastructure additive, a plant won’t depend on it but it will absolutely make a plants life easier by assisting with chlorophyll creation leading to better light absorption, nutrient uptake, increasing resistance to pests, strengthening branches.
As soon as it is applied as a feed, personally not every feed and not as a foliar feed and also put it in the solution last, within minutes the plant will become rigid, its quite strange it’s rare to ever see at all let alone so vividly the effect of an additive on a plant but it literally stiffens every branch and leaf instantly so you can feel its rigidity, then roughly a week later as it’s absorbed and loosens up you get a boost of growth as if it was storing energy, building up and suddenly exploding with vigorous growth through the improved efficiency of the plants structure.
I use this variety from Growth Technology.

Remember potassium Silicate is a corrosive substance and can burn you in concentration.


I use DE and it is great. It adds silica and calcium, plus it is PH Neutral.

Here is the soil reciepe I use after two years of adjusting to meet my grow style and environment.

Soil Recipe

2 CU F Soil Base
1 Cup Soybean Meal 7-2-1 Nitrogen and Potassium Lasts in soil for 1-2 years.
1 Cup Neem Meal 6-1-2 stimulates growth of plants and microbes in compost and soil protects against soil and root pets
1 Cup Kelp Meal 1-0-4 potassium, magnesium, calcium, and nitrogen full of trace Minerals, Carbohydrates and Amino Acids
1 cup Alfalfa Meal 3-.5-3 phosphorus potassium calcium, magnesium, sulfur, Manganese, iron, copper, boron, and zinc
1/2 cup Langbeinite 0-0-22 potassium, magnesium, and sulfur neutral PH
4 cups rock dust trace minerals and micronutrients feeds microbes
2 cups oyster shell flour Its calcium helps balance soil pH levels, improves nitrate uptake, aids enzyme formation and strengthens plant cell walls
5 cups worm castings Nitrogen, feeds microbes, adds organic matter, enhance seed germination, plant growth, flowering and fruit production.
2+ cups Diatomaceous Earth Adds Silica PH Neutral Calcium great for plant cell growth,
1/2 cup BSF Frass blend of N-P-K and minerals chitin good for plant health and disease resistance, feeds microbes

If you want to see the results I have posted a ton of images of my forever grow.


Hi, I convert diatomaceous earth into soluble potassium silicate.
I use it at all stages of the plant, during vegetative growth I do some foliar applications, during flowering I add it to the irrigation mixes, at this stage what I look for is for the silicon to help/promote the creation of trichomes.