Which type of silica to get

is a Wollastonite Soluble Silicon Plant Supplement a good idea and safe for the plants?

the plants are super floppy already and in veg.
i’ve run protekt and amorsi in the past, but i think both of those did nothing i could tell…maybe even messed up things. So, I stopped use of it for a few grows.

In case it matters, I use perlite hempy buckets and floranova nute usually.

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Armorsi works fantastic for me at 2 ml/gal


it falls out of solution. ph doesn’t seem to matter. yes, i add it first.

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I go cal mag, silica, part 1, part 2, cannazyme, ph. I have a pump that circulated my res.

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does the silica ppm count as part of the total? or, do i need cut back nutes to make room?

So I run the floraflex full tilt no calmag schedule. But I add 2ml/gal of Calmag and of silica. I have to be 3.2+ ec


are you using c02?

ProTekt is good but I’ve found the plant gets a bit woody and makes LST difficult.


Whatever you decide to use make sure you mix the silica into the water “first”.
I use the following and you can make it into a concentrate. Buildasoil Silica

That bag makes about 2 gallons of concentrate


No just in a basement.

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@splinter7 my personal fav:

I literally dip a butter-knife into the viscous liquid and know how deep to push the knife into the bottle for application rates.

This stuff is not easy to measure otherwise so I went with the “car oil checking dip stick” meets “honey dipper” approach.


I’ve got a full bottle of ventana structure. Which is just silica. You’re welcome to it if you want to pay shippies. Seems to mix really well, but I only used a sample bottle


Pro-tekt is good. I"ve used it for years in hempy buckets. It could be something else.

thanks, i order the amorSi from HG to give it another chance.
maybe i wasn’t doing something right last time.

I also grabbed some mono slicic acid to see if that help. it’s chelated, but not sure if that is something special when it comes to Si products. it says it can be used for foliar feeds.

If you have 20-30 minutes, these 2 videos give a deep dive on Silica. He talks about Wollastonite towards the end of the 1st video.

These videos are from Dr. Daniel Fernandez, a very reliable source.