Question about Silica

Hey OG -

I am looking for some help with introducing silica to my organic grow.

I recently made the switch from coco to soil. I had previously been using the General Hydroponics Flora Series in my coco grows and have plenty of those bottled nutrients left. Now that I am in soil, I am using Gaia Green 4-4-4 All purpose & 2-8-4 Bloom dry amendments with Happy Frog soil and earth worm castings. I know I can purchase additional dry amendments (Diatomaceous Earth, Glacial Rock Dust) to add silica to the soil either through amending beforehand or by top dressing throughout the grow, but in an effort to be frugal, I was wondering if I could use up some of the leftover General Hydroponics Armor Si liquid nutrient that I still have? I know it’s okay to use GH liquid nutes with soil grows, I’m just unsure about using the liquid Armor Si silica alongside my dry amendments.

I am currently about a month into flower with this grow, so I am mainly wanting to figure out my plan of attack for the next go-around. I have seen some food grade DE that is relatively cheap from Home Depot/Lowes, but again I am trying to use up what I already have on hand, IF possible. If not, no biggie. The GH Armor Si seemed to work great in my previous coco grows, but I just need clarification on whether using something like Armor Si would work with dry amendments such as Gaia Green.

Thank you in advance for your help!

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Great minds out here thinking thoughts at the same time!


Thanks for the link! I was actually digging through that post earlier; maybe I should have posted my question in that thread. I am still getting used to creating new posts here on OG.

I found some good info in there but still can’t find anything on whether or not mixing liquid silica such as GH Armor Si with these GG dry amendments would be okay, or if it NEEDS to be a dry amendment form of silica such as diatomaceous earth.

Mixing as in can you feed liquid silica even though you’ve done dry amendments for most other things? Definitely.

Edit: keep in mind liquid silica is generally just colloidal silica in suspension so dry or liquid shouldn’t have too much of an impact…probably whatever is cheapest and easiest for you to feed and keep track of.


Sweet. I appreciate you taking time to give me some feedback. I’m going to give it a shot tonight when I water the girls.


Of course. Hope it goes well! Let us know for sure. Your plants look good!