Video: "Does white light waste photons?"

I grew up shivering around an old woodstove every morning :wink:

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I totally get it, we heat with a wood stove, the new ones are incredibly impressive. It’ll burn for 24 hours on low and can easily start another fire wth coals 48 hours later.

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does the plant absorb 100% of photons for photosynthesis?

That’s impressive. We used to burn seasoned wood and bank the stove down at night, but those old stoves were so inefficient you always had to restart in the morning when you had really cold nights. I do miss the heat once there was a nice bed of coals. Nothing like it.


Green Light below 5nm is safe and will not trigger photosynthesis(wasted). Go much above 5nm and it will start photosynthesis(not wasted).

Thanks for that more recent article. Hell of a read :sweat_smile: and from what I understood it seems like chlorophyll b has a lot to do with scattering the extra energy in an oscillatory pattern - super cool and would explain a lot of differences in what light companies use in marketing materials (if taken from chlorophyll extracts and a spectrometer) vs what happens in the plant

This little snippet below was also interesting, assuming that outdoors the sun is intense white light, and indoors is not a full spectrum of light, it might make sense why many indoor growers swear by defoliation for increased yields vs outdoor where many don’t see an effect on yield or even find it detrimental

Could it be possible that shaded leaves indoor don’t have sufficient energy (less green light) and become sinks, while outdoors shaded leaves can still act as a source due to green & intense white light?


That’s a really good point. It’s amazing how outdoor plants bush out in comparison to indoor plants.

Good observation.


My FIL has one of these and the heat it puts off is pretty amazing.

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Please tell me it’s a Blaze King. I love the name and it’s a Canadian company. Great stove.

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Prime example pic 1 Indoor Jacalyn pic 2 outdoor Jacalyn both same age same seed batch

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Im not sure but it’s pretty amazing. But they pay extra attention to their CO detector.

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A portion on the white light spectrum created by all artificial sources is “wasted”. So what? Your only options are to genetically engineer plants to use more spectrum, or create more tailored spectrum in lighting. Both option are far from feasible. “Custom” horticultural LED and other light sources existed before white LED’s became popular. AND they were very expensive and they are still not well tailored because some spectra is just too grossly inefficient to create ( so far ) . then DIY community started building lights with COB LEDs. The lighting companies laughed at these foolish people…until they saw that their fancy"special" lights were getting stomped by white LED lighting!
And those saying ohh how terrible LED is for seedlings… nonsense! Like any other artificial lighting source used for growing you simply need give them the proper amount of light! Those of you proposing that seedlings need less light explain this to me. Here we don’t plant most veggies until mid to late may. The seeds for many are planted directly in the ground. When those seedling sprout out into the sunlight, how many PPFD are they receiving?? 1700PPFD? 2000 PPFD? A hell of a lot more than your giving them in your growroom! The only reason not to grow seedlings under 1000PPFD of artificial light, and that’s because its a waste of electricity! White light is a blend of a range of light spectrum, and though it may not really match the sun’s, it comes the closest so far. Wasted spectrum? I don’t even consider it, I’m more interested in the electrical efficiency of my lighting, especially now with governments talking about regulating how much energy we can use to grow with!
So no, white lights do not waste"photons", they plants do!


My Boron vibes are buzzing senses Tingling


Hey all, I am not knowledgeable enough to join in this discussion about “wasted” but I will just say this:

The media folks who wrote that headline? They know “wasted” is the key, hot-button word. It is a pretty weak attempt at click-bait/stirring up debate, and it doesn’t capture it exactly (as some are saying). . .

. . .but that’s why they did it. (Trust me, I had to work with journalists all the time. . .)

Just want to point this out because I don’t like seeing my OGers fight over something as stupid as somebody else’s word choice. :slight_smile:

Whether or not it is truly “wasted” is probably not even KNOWABLE at this point, given what we know and don’t know.

That’s all, don’t wanna sow any seeds of discord. (Pun not intended but it was pretty good, no?)

I find this whole topic fascinating and I appreciate learning from you all.

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I currently have two autos – sisters, in fact. Double Grape. One is outside, one is inside, but everything else has been identical.

The difference between the two plants is INSANE. Pics another time, but some are already on my thread about four autos in the Portland sunshine.

It’s so solid, in fact, that I have removed literally one fan leaf. It literally looks like the shape of the plant and the branches is ideally aligned with the sun lol.


The future is mini led drones, a thousand of them in the tent, all linked, all constantly monitoring dli and vpd, floating and changing in real time as the plant does its flexing. Like the olympics.


Sometimes the difference happened in the seed, I grew up next to twin brothers no one could tell apart but they were almost never twins to me, unless they wore the same hat.

Also, light that isn’t used by the plant in nature is not wasted because other mechanisms in the environment use it.

Symbiosis is what makes it not waste.

There’s probly a fucking silly ammout of photons wasted in a tent if theres nothing beneficial soaking it up. But it’s still more efficient than living outside. Or is it?

Mr @Rogue s philosophy comes to mind.

Side note what if grow tents world wide bounce around so many photons where the energy/matter balance is disrupted.

Wasted photon trapper life

Lol trapper keeper loser weeper?

White light is every color so how is that a waste? It contains all colors. Very efficient. White light is divine.

That being said, I like warm light, a little red and pink too, unity + diversity, that’s the Universe.

Moderation in everything, including moderation.