Weed-Tech, WIFI/blueTooth, hardware or software

can really learn anything on google+youtube :smiley: iā€™m learning PHP python and C++ right now for other projects. i think arduino has its own language

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Arduino is more or less just simplified c++ with a couple small changes but pretty much the exact same.


I am just starting IoT project for sensors. Will not reinvent the wheel and at first the nodes will be wired. The light node can be one of the first (as it is simple and the sensor itself is super cheap).
There are lots of projects and I am trying to unify the best ideas out there.
I just want to open source it in a way that is easy to incorporate your node and display data by API or some common pattern(s).
I am doing it to myself, and plan to document as I go. You can be a guinea pig for the light node :stuck_out_tongue:


awesome!! Eventually I want internet to be able to link the different sensors to my phone, but for now, I donā€™t care how or what it looks like, just that it works. right now I am so worried about the lights coming on in the dark that I am unplugging them every single day.

my lights are controlled by a phone cable type wire. I wonder if I could plug that into something and that something could also keep track of the on off times.

@GrapeApe I like the idea of the temp spikes for lights on or off.

You could get a sensor that detects how many watts are being uses on your power source as well. I have a smartthing power sensor/switch that detects real-time watts but will not graph it but there are ones on the market that do so.

I built my smart house and everything is pretty much automated and voice controlled or controlled from your phone from anywhere (lights, TV, faucets & toilets, door locks, phone, house stereo system, heating & cooling, etcā€¦) In the future I would like to setup a smart grow room like my house that auto tops off reservoirs and controls the environment. Very doable for a reasonable cost if you can set it up yourself.

EDIT: The smartthing senor also shows wattage changes throughout the day


Thereā€™s a website for that lol :sweat_drops:

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Want to hear something funny>? i joined Grasscity forums, and made almost this same thread, and was BANNED for spamā€¦ un-fukn-belivable. i had other threads. helped others and liked many things, so i sent an e-mail asking WTF. i will copy paste the reply when it comes in.

If it comes in. + 8 more characters!

:star:YESSSS thanks brother, i like it here more , alot of people there were either elitist, or just rude. i feel like this is my home :mailbox_with_mail::star::star: , people here seem to be down to earth and honest/honorable, my kind of people!!


yes itā€™s because they have their own store and you need to be a partner thru their ad network to advertise. i was banned from grasscity and thcfarmer for advertising and all i did was make a post about a giveaway contest a youtuber was running. just trying to help other members win a free grow light. i was also a longtime member with good rep and stuff. on grasscity a member made a thread asking where to get CBD, i private messaged him a website (not even my own) and he responded are you allowed to be advertising here? then ratted me out and i got banned. lol fucking losers. didnā€™t bother appealing.

donā€™t worry bro, youā€™re home now, this is the best forum with the top growers and breeders plus the friendliest/most generous members iā€™ve ever seen. and the moderators are very fair.


OH MY GOD, so i got the answer from grasscity forums. i am absolutely apauled, and if i could i would drive to their house and give em some OG justiceā€¦ Right in the NoSe. this was their reply

Mark Stone (Grasscity.com Support)

Dec 19, 22:09 CET

Hello Brett

No use crying over spilt milk as they say!

Merry Xmas and have a good 2018

From all at Grasscity Customer support

M Stone
So in short. i will never be visiting Grasscity, they are little baby maggots on my floor, to stomp on.
OVERGROW IS KING. and i will be here from now on. OVERGROW has very nice down to earth people, that are willing to help and listen. TY for everyones hard work!!


Hey LegalCanada,
I use MyDx and, honestly, I do not know if it measures correctly, but after several dozens of tests it stays consistentā€¦ I tested it out on same strains and various CBD strains as well (MyDx can measure only to 4% of CBD)

This is the results of 10x test of the same strain (3x Sample 1, 3x Sample 2, 3 Sample (mix of Sample 1 and Sample 2) + 1 mix again. As you can see it stays consistent.

I just started testing this WiFi Weather Station with Temp/Humidity Mon and Soil Moisture Sensors. Wondering if anyone else was using something like this?

You can have 8 different soil and Temp sensors on each station.
Everything is currently look up with this system. I have the web server up and the alerts running in a matter of 30 min.
They also have a Air Quality Sensor that Iā€™m now starting to look at as well.