What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 2)

For my bread it’s 150 g start, 20 g olive oil, 10 g salt, 250 g water, 500g bread flour. Proof over night. Bake at 400 covered in a Dutch oven for 20 min. Then uncovered for 40 min. Optional egg wash for color and crust. As well as placing a oven safe pan with water to steam whilst baking.


Pretzels are 100 g start, 255 g water, 40 g honey, and 500 g bread flour. Proof over night cut into pieces and make shapes. Then Boil in 6 cups of water, a gram of brown sugar, And two tblsp of baking soda for 30 sec each side. Then bake for 10 to 14 min at 375°

To make sourdough start. Mix half water with with half flour. Let sit overnight,. Split in half and add two equal parts of water and flour again every 24 hours. Repeat until sourness comes, and or you see activity in the form of bubbles along your jar. Keep in mind it will take one week for your start to become active enough for baking.


When you say proof overnight, is that at room temperature or in the refrigerator?

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Sorry room temperature. Like on a counter. If you want your starter to produce more activity. Put it above something like a fridge for more heat.

Thanks! Most of the SD recipes require 18-24 hours of various steps to complete. What strain is your starter? My is from the 1847 Oregon trail that I started back in 2013. Looking for the San Francisco starter.

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I never sought Any particular ones out. I started one in the beginning of covid. And that one is north shore start. This one was started on new year day this year. Called penal colony. Lol. I have always been bothered how they change according to the climate they are in. I have a thought this would make it not original anymore. I’m not quite sure on this. Does yours go back to 1847? Lmk if you have flakes :rofl: a sourdough start trading thread would be cool.

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making tomato soup :grin:


Going to be awesome!!!

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I hope so so haven’t made it in awhile but should be tasty :yum: @Pawsfodocaws


It was sent to me as flakes. I could send you some to base your starter on. Or here is the link, http://carlsfriends.net/



so good :drooling_face:


It’s looking good!

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Alright now for the grilled cheeses!!!

I wish! but sadly I can’t do gluten :sob: and gf bread is wack :sweat_smile:


May not be as wack as you think?


Oh going to have to give this a try!


Awesome glad to hear!. I’m intolerant to it. Not completely bad off…

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