What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 3)

Oh I like gyozas. Sounds more like an exclamation than a food. Gyoza!

I had Korean beef with cashews and kimchi and some weird green item I can’t identify. I’m told it’s a “vegetable.”


Stir fry from the garden

Itsa spicey 🤌




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Mmm, cajun!

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Taco salad



Hey man how do I make this?
It looks prime.

Sometimes I get lazy and buy the triple prewashed salads but never in the bags because those have are known for recalls. Thought I was making a smart choice.
When they inevitably start to go bad before the date I put them out on the counter for a few days to a week before throwing into the compost so it adds some extra bacteria and fungi.
This was from walmart.
I will never buy any prepackaged greens and thinking of going to the doctor to get checked


That’s not really a great thing that has happened to you wow. If I ate that, I would have induced vomiting. Gone to the doctor. And find a way to deal with whomever the hell sold you that. Dang.
That’s terrible.

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Yah Ive been worried since then.
It did not make it to my compost. Straight in the trash.

Those are flukes and can kill you if consumed and untreated.
Always wash your produce, most farmers use oil based sprays so warm/hot water to remove and then cool is my method.


That’s nuts

Hickory smoked pepper jack. The last of the smoked :cheese:. Now weed need a wicked cold snap…for what you ask?? More cheese!!!



Bacon egg quiche

Ham and cheese scrolls

Mars bar slice

Oreo cheesecake


Friday nights meal was the same as Thursdays only better, I made some adjustments to it. While I was cooking the garlic scapes, onions and mushrooms. I thought I must make some spinach dip tomorrow. Then thought I wonder if spinach would be good in the mushroom mix, then thought cream cheese might be good as well. I was right it was amazing…


The only thing that was boiled are the eggs and corn…the rest were cooked in a wok, shrimp and lobster were coated in seasoned flour…

Chicken feet are underrated and delish…a friend made them last week and she did a great job.


They always seem like they would so rubbery and lacking in actual meat. The color and everything on those does look good though.

Thanks man

Man is that ever understatement! By far my favorite dim sum!

Good on your friend! They take a lot of time to prepare properly, and those look right!

I don’t find them rubbery at all. It’s true that there isn’t an excess of meat, but what there is is delicious (including the tendons).

I think you’re in the SF bar area. In the east bay our favorite dim sum place is Saigon Seafood Harbor Restaurant. The place gets seriously busy weekend mornings, but they do have an all day everyday menu that includes limited dim sum (including chicken feet since they are so popular).

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