What do you think my fellow stoners?

Fossiized crystal ball (brownish from rez) says Millenials will inherit the remains of genX’s squandered inheritance, leaving the post co-vid generation in a strictly monthly rental payment lifestyle reality. They will own next to nothing. ALTHOUGH there will be a somewhat disasterous internet/virtual currency motivated depression that may be so lop-sided, the population may decrease for a few years. So I’m seeing a pushback against the present human devaluation economic model, so all good.??? Oh and most of the crime rates have been dropping since I was young, so I feel crime gets less prevalent in a just society like Ontario Canada.

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There are videos of hippos just straight up murdering maybe not eating…


I think I read that they kill more people than lions because people fear lions.


The earth is a finite place. Only so many resources. Population growth is exponential. More people require more resources. Plus more people means more garbage which rises exponentially like the population number. The depleting of the earth’s resources also rises exponentially.

The business model is designed to grow by at at least 10% a year to be profitable. The current business model is designed to coninue at that 10% growth rate. That doesn’t jive with a rock in space that has only a finite amount of resources. It will be over taxed and unsustainable unfortunately.

If I were young, that is the one fact that I would hammer home and fight to change. Nobody will be living high on the hog in space any time soon. Like almost impossible on any large scale.

At some point, this place will be unsustainable and unlivable. It’s only math. And, an exponential curve. :shushing_face:


When I get on a plane, I realize that if something goes wrong there’s not much I can do to stop it. People get scared over bad turbulence. I think about how if something happens, then I was already dead and I just hadn’t learned it yet.

We were all born on a plane. If there’s no tomorrow, then there never was. Whether it’s covid, climate change, cancer or getting stabbed by a crack addict. Every day we have is a gift and we can’t squander that living in fear of losing something we never had.


Dude… exactly. Well said … control is an illusion what will be will be.




The power to control information is the power to control perception. Reality is perceived dependent on your level of consciousness. Intelligence is a measurement of these varying levels of consciousness. If you had the power to control, manipulate and suppress information about reality you have the ability to control what is perceived to be reality. Plato’s allegory “The Cave” is a great example of this.


Whaaatttt!!!.. this seems unclear. Fo sho

I just keep an kind of side eye on current events looking for something that may impact my day to day life. But honestly even covid-19 didn’t do that unless you count the fact that there was little on store shelves and stores where opening later n closing sooner.

At the end of the day it’s the mega rich that control everything and have the final say and it’s greed that will be the driving force behind the collapse of life on earth. Even if I could manage to become the richest person on earth, the guys under me would still destroy everything they could just to try to become richer and more powerful.

Until the working class and poor can stop arguing over which mega millionaires and billionaires they want to have the most say there really is not much hope for humanity. We seen a brief glimpse when there were the 1% movements but then the media shifted everything to cause people to divide again, black vs whites, conservatives vs liberals, city vs country, guns vs gun control, all designed to keep the masses fighting amongst ourselves while the people at the top continue todo the same crap they always have, find ways to screw us to make themselves richer and more powerful.




i would defiantly would not mess with any hippos they are very territorial and get very pissed when your in the spot they like.
each day we have is a gift yes very true, and things are how we think,
well my mindset is not controlled by fear or worry,
im bringing things up that just seem like as time moves forward do these things get worse or as we get older we would perhaps view things on the other end
it is easy for some to say, things like that dont happen here ,
the way out is off the planet but, once on the new one, will we be destined to repeat our past, making a mess of the new and over population, but that wont happen right away, no
step right up folks and get you that one way ticket to mars, maybe that would be great,
hopefully there will be some one that will try to grow cannabis there, at least bring the seeds


That song fuckin slaps, probably my favorite TOOL song.

As per the thread, too complex a question, you could type a 50 page essay.

Distilled down best I can: You are individually powerless, don’t worry about it. We’re living better than 99.99% of anyone who ever lived in the entire span of human existence. For almost the entire 200,000+ years modern humans have been on this earth, life was gathering grubs, berries, and beating animals to death with rocks. As bad as it seems, this is as good as it gets.

Think about as early as 200 years ago. You’d have 6 alive kids, 2 dead kids, 1 set of dirty clothes, shoes with holes, shit in a hole you had to dig yourself, and eat hard brown bread.


We are all just tears in the rain in comparison to the spinning rock that we reside on currently hurtling millions of miles an our through the vacuum of space.

One day someone will dig up our shit and claim they found Plato’s Atlantis.


Tears in rain? Replicant spotted, gonna have to retire you.


You want to wig out? Hypothesis my ass… the poles shift, and it aint pretty!


I tell these people that at high speeds air acts like water and so turbulence is the same thing as a boat hitting a little chop.

True or not it’s a little piece of mind. Free Xanax!


peace is a personal thing. many never have any. the serenity prayer is one that I took to heart as a philosophy since it helps to choose what I worry about.

frankly all 4 horsemen have been loose for some time.

I choose to try and make the world around me a little better each day. If I improve my surroundings or learn or teach something it gives me a sense of some purpose and accomplishment.

If the Gulf Stream dies you will consider a pole shift minor.


I think you underestimate a pole shift… the gulf stream, condor current, all that jazz, would ‘die’ from a pole shift :wink:

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depends on delta, pretty sure we aren’t really a top with no wobble.

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