What do you think my fellow stoners?

I saw something saying instead of world class athletes the participants in the olympics should be randomly selected citizens from every country. You just get a letter/call/email saying you have x amount of days before you’re competing in whatever event they choose for you.

That would be way better and I might actually watch that.


“That’s great it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes”

“Some say a comet will fall from the sky, followed by meteor showers and tidal waves, followed by fault lines that cannot sit still”

It’s coming. Grab yo weed grab yo seed!


This is why I rewatch movies like: “The day after tomorrow”, “The Core”, “2012”.

Because I love great comedies!

Oh yeah! And pole shifts.


lol yes so much, i do watch a lot of movies and ive seen all those movie too

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I (we) call it “Disaster Porn”.

Geostorm was a disappointment but still entertaining. Also love claustrophobic horror like “As Above, So Below” & “Underwater”…

…the latter nailed it on so many levels as a close quarters creature feature. Then I read up on the production and all the actors were genuinly terrified during production! The suilts were also 105lbs, so everything on camera is legit, the fear, the struggle. I mean every actor regretted signing the contract after the first week of principle photography and remained fearful for their lives the entire time and it shows.

I’ve watched in at least 4 times now and my partner has asked me to stop. :laughing:


The real answer is there are lots of bad things going on and people don’t wanna hear about it. We have comfortable lives and people don’t wanna hear about COVID or climate change. Most people don’t care.

But what can you as a person do to change that? We can’t all be martyrs to a cause. So do what you can and live life as a good person and enjoy what you can, I think, is the right answer.


yes i would agree. we have only so much control but only for our selves and family it is har to control anything outside of that as in worldly events. no wants to know
i would say live the best you can and being a good person should be the way everyone should be
yeah i dont think climate change really counts, i think its a cycle of how the earth goes


That’s not what scientists say about climate change though


yeah they said this is already started, they were saying the shift happened and true north has now changed from what i remember

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And how are you today, Senator?


This is further complicated by the fact that the middle class is expanding throughout the developing world with all the energy demands and pollution that come along with it.

An interesting canary is chocolate. When demand exceeds supply who is going to get it?

Anyway. I was thinking the other day about the Black Panthers. Demonized for convenient reasons. Really what was scary about them was their revolutionary Marxist zeal.

Lenses, you know?


yeah @Foreigner we see but there is also a censored version of what we see, im sure we will never know the true extent


While not a popular opinion I feel all commercial fishing should be halted. Man was never meant to be out destroying the eco system that is our oceans. Problem is people wont stop until there is nothing left to stop for.


A lot of good points here, and funny too. I was just gonna ask how many ends on a tp roll, or what came first, the chicken or the egg. But yeah we need to stop creating cities built for upper class, and for the wealthy and concentrate more on middle and lower class folk. I don’t think it’s gonna be humans responsible for end times. When it comes it comes. We need to drill our own oil and keep our money here in America


thing about fracking is it pollutes the ground water …and why the hell would we be doing something that might lead to any weakening of the dome over yellowstone is beyond logic



Big topic. The earth has been changing from day one. The things we needed yesterday we dont need today. The earth is unbalanced right now. Very dangerous. Coffee,chocolate, birds,fish and shit dying. No changes I see going on. No snow in the wintertime like it once was. When was the last time I seen more than one bee. Home Depot. They need to make honey. The earth is on fire. We need to slow down. Fish on meth. I hate to say it. We have put ourselves in jeopardy. Try about we didn’t do it. I look at my grandparents. They lived a life of crime. Yes they did. We are paying for it now. What am I’m going to do in the future. Tell stories about how green the earth was. How big of a hurry to build something so it can rot ten years later. No one pays us back for the money blown. We need to get real. When was the last time you tried the food that is given to your kids.


I don’t think we were supposed to live like this. I’m not trying to fight with anyone. I want us to stay around a little bit longer. If I was your Father would I come back?
You destroyed my home.


You need to come to my yard. Plenty of honey bees, but I provide them with plenty of flowers / types of flowers.

But I will admit, snowfall is less now than when I was a kid. And in the last 15 years I have noticed the seasons shifting. Worked for a pond company for 10 years, when I started we had to be finished for the year by Dec 1, or we were frozen out. And we would start spring cleanouts in early March. By the time I left that company 10 years later, we would work till Jan 1 without being frozen out, and we couldn’t start until April. Clearly a shift of about a month.

My real ah-hah moment was in Utila, Honduras… little 6km x 4km island… Minimal development. Take an ATV over to the wild north side (aka, never been developed, looks like it did 500 years ago), and go for a walk on a pristine beach, right? Nope. Couldn’t even see the sand thru all the plastic trash. Every step I took I kicked at LEAST 10 bottles. Made me cry, literally… Not a sign of civilization other than washed up trash. I even recall wanting to do something about it, BADLY, but thinking “what can I do, I’m just one little soul”.

Well, here’s some inspiration… I returned to Utila a year later, this time was a 3 month trip to do my scuba instructor course. They had a beach cleanup going called Pumpkin Hill Beach Cleanup, and I actively recruited people in the dive center to go and participate. Every monday morning, 9am - noon. After 2 months, my dive center says “We want to do our own cleanup, can you organize?” HELLS YEAH! So, I start organizing cleanups at the dive center. The dive center MAKES it a requirement of divemaster candidates to participate in at least 2 cleanups, and starts doing em every sunday. Regular fun divers, professionals in training, all start attending. We even found a bale of weed on one cleanup. seriously a brick that was a 2ft x 2ft x 1ft. Sadly, its plastic was ripped open on the ironbound shoreline, and all was wet, but man it made for an awesome bonfire!

So now. 4 years later… Every sunday morning I still get updates on my beach (Big Bight Beach), and I can say it LOOKS like a beach, with sand and no trash now… It takes a weekly maintenance cleanup to keep it so nice, but its CLEAN… (just don’t dig up a shovel full of sand and toss in a 5g bucket of water, the microplastics float up and disgust you, and there’s no way to get them all yet). But all the big stuff that breaks down into microplastics is NO LONGER THERE!!!

So… When you think “but I am just one person”, realize, one person IS capable of SO MUCH MORE…


My grandfather was a pastor. I went to church 390 days out of the year. Don’t believe in big churches. I have my reasons. He told me as a child. Fruit would rot on the vine before it will ripen. People this was over 40 years ago. How true is this? Very true. Look at our seeds. Look how we feed the world but we can’t take care of ourselves. We have control. I’m tired of it. We are the workers. We pay the bills. We we pay the price. Stand up and fight for our planet. FK. No one else is. How would you like to go down in History. Pot heads saved this world. Man I would smoke that shit in a minute.


nah, it was brick and lots of mold… We tore it open to look for dry stuff in the middle… With the limited access to a good doc on the island, its not worth the risk of lung issues / infections.

But man, how many people can say they burned a brick of weed in a bonfire, like Michael Douglas in Romancing the Stone? hehehe