What do you think my fellow stoners?

This is why I choose to live under a rock and ignore the happenings in the world.


Technically they are near hits. Near misses would be hits. Technically correct, the best kind of correct.




thats pretty good, prob a realistic view

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THIS!!! X 100!!! Fear sellsā€¦


GGG ā€¦ Go Gaia Guys :green_heart: :dna: :grinning:


I think humanityā€™s consciousness is somehow Earth-bound, if weā€™re happy, thatā€™s fine, but if for some reason most of us arenā€™t okay, everything changes,ā€¦ Be happy at every moment, enjoy, spread happinessā€¦


Personal responsibility. All we do for the most part and hope our example catches on. Not saying we do not do actively attempt to change minds but if we donā€™t follow up with examples of action, our words fall on deaf ears.


If anything is flying past the earth youā€™d better believe it has a long history of missing other objects in space.


i dont worry about none of whatever, i was curious on the thoughts you guys had
there is so much, that could happen, but i say lets have our fun


I stay tuned outā€¦there had been dangers that are seen and unforeseen since the inception of life. What you are seeing is an exploitation of information. I saw a psychologist talk about it and he explained the human condition to be easily sensationalizedā€¦yes there are many scary things ā€¦thatā€™s not newā€¦he explained it like you walk to the jungle ā€¦there is always something horrendous happeningā€¦a hippo impaling a gazelle with its teeth, a cougar eating a baby deer, and the way information is being treated ā€¦they need you to stay ā€œinformedā€ meaning come to them for your fear ā€¦but on the other side of the jungle their are beautiful parrots flying and a crystal clear senote with playful otters ā€¦but for you to stay tuned in the want you to focus on the hippo impaling the gazelle


very true, and yes i totally agree


Hippos are herbivores.

But other than that I agree


Personally I think weā€™re all screwed, itā€™s just a matter of time.

Take all the problems we think we have and ignore them for now and focus on just one, us and our growing numbers and think about that for a minute.

We are now between 7.5 - 8 billion souls, where are we going to be in 50 years, 100 years? People are not going to stop having kids, weā€™re creating people far faster than others are dying, how are we going to produce food for say 15 billion people, where is everyone going to settle?

Cities will continue getting bigger and producing more garbage which has to go somewhere and pollution which is going everywhere. Plastic has been found in the deepest parts of the ocean and everywhere else, weā€™re not going to stop using plastic any time soon, itā€™s too convenient and we like things to be easy.

I think this is why some are pushing so hard to get off planet :earth_americas: They see whatā€™s coming and realize we canā€™t do anything to fix it, that its already beyond any sort of tipping point. In order to survive we need to become an interplanetary species and by survive I mean the species not actually all of us.

Even if we came to the point of all working together which I donā€™t see happening anytime soon, certainly not in my lifetime, weā€™re still left with the number problem.


Was that too dark?

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Being lit as wellā€¦the earth will adapt to the inputs we give it. At 50 something and a new grandpa, I have a lot of societal angst for my kids and grandkids, but they will adapt as will the masses. We are polluting less rampantly than in the previous decades by far. Doom and gloom is a manufactured mindset from religious teachings and self-absorbed dickweeds. We have enough oil for 10,000 years and the planet can bear 10 times the present population. We humans just donā€™t like too many of ā€˜our kindā€™ closeby, I suppose LOL. Take a break from the media now and then and try to get closer to Mother Nature, she is just fine. And she wants you to come out and play!!


Iā€™ve already called dibs on Jupiter so everyone else hands off!


I was hoping that comet was gonna light that big fart of a planet up galactic styleā€¦but, sadly, noā€¦you can have it lol


I also claim Jupiterā€™s moons because they have water. :joy:

Breaking news: huge windbag moves to gas giant :rofl:


You donā€™t have to worry about Jupiter dinosaurs, Comet got them I hearā€¦