What do you think my fellow stoners?

So i will post this here since this is way out there and, im stoned.

i want to know how do you view our worlds current events., i am not talking politics or religion so we need to keep that out of what i am saying. again i will share something, and in return you share in return.
i see a world. i see a world that is being put upside down, virus this, covid that. i understand there is something going on not only with that, but how about this morning i read that scientist find that the Atlantic river or the currents that drive the worlds oceans are slowing down and the scientist are afraid this will cause a ice age as they described it most of europe and part north america will be really cold for a long period of time with possible sea levels rising on the east coast.
or how there is so much waste in our oceans, or there is more and more violence each day.
this never ends or stops. we live in a world that if something like lets say
covid, keep increasing in to different strains where now not even the vaccine can help from keeping you get it.
now what happens if something horrible like an ice age scenario, our hospitals are already to max, we seen how many things during covid shut down were gone from our groceries shelves
what if any do you hold or see the world that we are in?
who knows i do have an over active imagination.
i will continue to grow and smoke and ill keep my spirits high,
so i ask how do you view these things?


What strain you smoking lol may have to grow some of that


I remember my first solo joint to the head lol

But honestly… Grains of salt and live your life… The more you worry about what you can’t control the more control you lose over what you can.


Being in Canada it’s hard to imagine even noticing an ice age, lol.


You could walk out get hit by a car that’s life,had a heart attack 4 years ago one minute I was hammering on a piece of steel next
Minute was in an ambulance,couple of minutes after that I died twice then walked out of the hospital 2 days later

That’s life you have to roll with the punches smoke more indica


Man, I’d like to suggest you consider deleting this post. :slight_smile: You say it’s not about politics, and I believe you, but climate change, and Covid, are both political footballs right now.

It’s a sad state of affairs, but IMHO, those aren’t topics that lend themselves to healthy debate, or even civilized conversation. I’m not trying to tell you what to do man, you do your thing, but you asked. :v:


chemdawg and sum crumble, lol
its not that im worried, i think waaaay too much


Stop watching the news.

It exists to scare you into consuming their product.

We suffer from information overload. Doom and gloom that has no impact on our lives.

I didn’t even know the olympics were happening and now that I do i still don’t care :joy:

Edit - except for the triple jump because it’s really funny to watch. YouTube it. Thank me later


And always remember, reporting the worst on things is the best way to encourage great ratings and more advertising dollars.

Good things happen too.

Balance is real.


yeah but do you think there more to it than meets the eye


lol, only read the news here and there, but yeah i could care less one way or the other, the worlds on fire my friend

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And let’s not forget, a good story is more important than the truth.


I read the news papers everyday,the sun,daily mail,the mirror
Belfast telegraph and sf gate
I believe 1% of what’s happening rest of it is mostly bullshit news


Turn off the tv. My grandma brought me up on “believe none of what you hear and half of what you see”


Google the lyrics if you don’t know them…


If an ice age is coming doesn’t tgat debunk the entire man made climate change narrative… proving that the earth does indeed run in cycles doing whatever it wants


thanks lol


yeah i think so, everything is a cycle and it just a matter of when or how near


I mean yeah, do you know how many asteroids near-miss Earth? We don’t have capabilities to defend from them, other than hoping they miss.


When the north atlantic current changes it won’t be an ice age for the whole world - it will just be western Europe that gets cold - specifically, England, Ireland, Spain, France, etc, will get the same climate as the Scandanavian countries at the same latitude.