What would this technique be called?

So basically, I top early, start spreading and ataking branches to where I want. I generally shot for 8-10 branches being trained out, shooting for an even canopy of buds growing.

Very old setup btw. I think this grow was 2 years, or 5 crops ago lol

I believe this last pic is the last time I grew chemdog IBL


Wouldn’t that be LST?

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Is it just lst? I read a Hightimes article in like 2001 about bonsaiing cannabis and that was what I came up with years later. Did it for years successfully


Bonsais are not just short but small… comparatively at least. This is just super cool LST I think. I love it regardless.


To me it looks like low stress training. Maybe someone else will weigh in on the topic.

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“this” I see a pic of a SOG grow if that’s the same strain.
Your using side lights like i am on 2 sides of my tent that’s cool but still pretty normal since sun is like that but you are using your space more efficiently and it’s cool enough to accommodate the extra heat so win win.
So if same strain id say in general sog.
Specifically any bending is lst, topping is HST, cracking stems HST etc etc


Seems like an effective hybrid of topping and lst.


Ok, it was mostly hst then. I topped, crunched stems to make them thicker, bend tie and train… I was filling my 3 x 5 space with 3-4 plants, usually 1-2 strains at a time. I had the lights on different k values and timers. It started on one side with a blue shift for the morning. After an hour the top turned on, which was a balanced mix. 3 hours from beginning of lights on, the morning would turn off. 6 hours later, evening would turn on, which had a deep red k value skew. At the 11 hour mark daytime would turn off leaving only evening going until lights out at 12 hours.

That was my attempt at mimicking a full day cycle.


I thought it might be mainlining too but looks like only LST.


I like your attempts to replicate the sun better! I keep playing with the idea that one static light didn’t simulate it close enough. I doubt it, but it’s nice to dream.


Looks like the screenless scrog/LST method someone posted here, I think he called it hybrid training


It honestly gave me just wonderful bud for being grown under t5’s and 2 30w blurple cobs. And about 2.5oz a plant. Daylight had 276w running, day and night ran around 100 each. So I think I did damn good for the wattage. Its because every square inch of surface was solid canopy. Every watt got used lol


I for sure don’t doubt that, you’re definitely doing something right there!


I love my leds, the Mars hydro ts1000’s, and this cmh i got is just doing amazing. But I still think you can grow great pot under t5’s, you have to mix spectrums as much as possible though, I averaged just under a gram a watt this set up… and the plants seemed to respond well to the color shift through the day. I lost the pics from the end of that grow, but the colors that came out were just amazing.

Combine this with no till and the right mycco innoculants…

Sounds extremely inefficient and over-engineered to be honest. But have fun with it either way.

Must have missed the post where I said that was 2 years ago and my setup is completely different now.


Basically, it was exactly that, an over engineered, because I had everything on hand, experiment on trying to replicate the color skew and movement of the sun over the day, on strains I had previously grown, in a style I had used before with great success, to see if I could get a better overall product for the same or less watts.

I called it a success, it came out with a better yield and higher quality. It truly wasn’t practical for any larger of a setup though. But if you have a bunch of timers and equipment sitting, why not play around and try and learn something?

After that grow I was able to upgrade to newer generation led, which was truly the death knoll for my t5’s after veg. Now I have my 2 mars hydro ts1000’s flanking my 315 CMH.

I’m using a single 2 bulb 24" t5 to supplement the tops of my 2 plants that outgrew my others.


Personally I haven’t, and wouldn’t, do side lighting. But it looks like a good mix of topping and LST which go hand in hand.

All the best


I grow primarily for my own medicine, but also my own amusement. In my set up, as long as it’s not stupid expensive it can be as weird and over engineered as I want (and can afford).

Just because it doesn’t make a difference doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing, in a lot of cases.


Exactly, I think I bought 6 new 4’ t5 bulbs for that grow. Everything else, fixtures, hangers, timers, etc. I already had on hand. Sometimes its nice to try to improve what you have already been doing successfully, by just putting it into a new form factor.

I liked the side lighting, you would see the plants move from leaning one way to the other over the course of the day. And I feel it put them to sleep with the red skew to finish the day. Similar to the far red concept.

I do have one of these and think it does help. I can flower at 14 hours of light with it.

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