Whats the best way to get rid of fungus gnats?

I was thinking the same, although I thought maybe using two fabric bags, one with a hole for the stem. Tying the nylon at the stem would probably be snugger.


I won the battle :muscle: :sunglasses: just with mosquito bits and sticky traps ā€¦ beer3|nullxnull


Iā€™ve been using mosquito bits mixed in the bottom and top of my containers for a while. Now it seems I may have made my population of gnats resistant to it, or the bits are buried too deep in my containers. Does the excel work as well in soil as your hydro/coco? @JoeCrowe Any issues with using it (glutaraldehyde) in bloom?

It seems glutaraldehyde is used in aquaponics, but as said before, eating and smoking are different things.


Heā€™ll likely have some issue with it, because I recommended it. Medical sanitizer poison! Haha.

I use it seed-harvest now. It will probably work fine in soil, but itā€™s also a disinfectant, so if youā€™re doing the organic thing it may not be what you want.

For soil I see guys using mesh bags tied around the pot, like those 5gal paint strainer mesh bags.


Throughout veg I just spray with flying skull nuke-em(citric acid solution supposedly fine in flower but I havenā€™t had to try it in flower. Worked great as a preventive though. Iā€™m a kinda messy guy and had no bugs in my grow.

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Avoid skin contact with Glutaraldehyde. Wear personal protective equipment made from material which can not be permeated or degraded by this substance. Safety equipment suppliers and manufacturers can provide recommendations on the most protective glove and clothing material for your operation.
It may be necessary to contain and dispose of Glutaraldehyde as a HAZARDOUS WASTE. Contact your state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) or your regional office of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for specific recommendations.

Personally, I just use a layer of sand to snuff them out.


A) sand works about as well as BTIā€¦not at all
B) Iā€™m using an aquarium product called Excelā€¦itā€™s a diluted solutionā€¦not pure glutaraldehyde
C) You can use it with very sensitive fish and inverts and plantsā€¦itā€™s safe.

lol copy paste a warning label but know nothing about it

FWIW @Seamonkey84 I use 1mL/gal of Excel every feed every time and I havenā€™t seen a single gnat in over a year. I noticed the gnat preventative effect after trying to see if its ā€œliquid CO2ā€ effects worked on terrestrial plants, too. Also a mild algaecide in aquaria.


The best way I have found to get rid of them is to prepare the water I am going to use to feed the plants the night before by placing my mosquito dunks in the water and letting it sit over night. After plants drain place tape over the drain holes, use fly strips near the light and put sand on top of my soil.
This distrupts their complete life cycle, within a week you shouldnā€™t see anymore.
Just my way but I have had good resultsā€¦ā€¦


If you check out my grow system, thatā€™s really how I snuffed them out. They have no place to live.

Yep if you just use sand on top they will go in the drain holes and lay their eggs, tape them up they canā€™t lay the eggs there and the sand tears their bodies up so canā€™t go in that way to lay eggs. Their life cycle is only about 72 hours or so it just plain kills them off and no new ones to take their place,


Thatā€™s be Fe III though, which isnā€™t very usable by plants, you want Fe II, which is yellow.

Spinosad works great on them, captain Jackā€™s dead bug. And I havenā€™t tried it yet, but Iā€™ve been thinking about mixing perlite and de and using it like a mulch. It should just shred and gnats trying to go through it.

I have decided to simply accept them and pick them out of the buds when they get stuck there. Tweezers can make it easier. Spending a little extra quality time with the plants, inspecting and appreciating the glory unfolding. Thereā€™s many advantages to only growing a plant or 3 at any given time.

Also the larvae help break down the topdressing, theyā€™re like worms, enriching the soil.

Should but doesnā€™t.

Growhard (he used to be on here) had like 2" of gnat nix on top of his pots and it didnā€™t even seem to put a dent in them. Like oldjoints said, theyā€™ll just go through the drainholes. Maybe if you had fabric pots or had a way to truly seal points of ingress like the bags you could stop themā€¦but theyā€™ll come right back. Wet soil with organic amendments are like Club Med for fungus gnats.


I do use fabric pots, thatā€™s why I was thinking it could work. Then just bottom water for a week or 3


Microbe Lift BTI added to your res is all your need to get rid of any flyers. Its the same active ingredient as Mosquito Dunks just more concentrated and effective. You will have to wait out the life cycle of the gnat but after about 2 weeks you will never get them again if you add Micro Lift to your res once a week.

6 drops per 100 gallons of water. Cheap, low application rate and very effective.


vernal manā€¦ the problem is the things you said have cost your credibility. You have to at least act like you care about their safety. Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re reading this post like Iā€™m being a turd, or if you think itā€™s the truth. shrug


What is the exchange rate of Joey Credibility Bux to monopoly money?


It depends on who Joey is buxinā€™

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no, not with me, Iā€™m not dealing in credibility bucks. The buck stops with the growers here, not with me. Trust is earned.

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Common disinfectants you hadnā€™t heard of yesterday now also bad. vernal bad. yawn.