What's the point in auto flowers?

Sorry about your friend,you could soak the seeds first
Till the tap root shows then into 3
Gallon pots,I’ve never had any luck just sticking a seed in the ground,


@anon98660487 u could try the heat pad an cut the red cup in half so the seed is closer to the heat cover with plastic an a couples holes.

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Interesting…I’m kinda stuck in my own way of opening seeds it’s worked 99% I’ve opened some 10 year old seeds this way,but there is 100 ways to skin a cat

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the rippers come in september and october and the white planes start flying in late July in Arlington, if you plant in early April you beat both.


I don’t use them but how else can you get two outside harvests a year?

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Twenty20mendo Triks, auto flower, outdoor grown in upstate NY. Heavy on terps, killer high and weight wasn’t bad, either.

I think the deciding factor on autos is how they were bred. Good genetics, where the work was put in correctly during breeding usually equals good flower.

That said, I only play with autos for fun. I prefer photoperiod, hands down. But I also feel thanks to the old strains like Lowryder, etc and white label garbage that autos get a bad rap.

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Auto Flower GDP Day 70 from seed to weed… almost done.


I didn’t even read the whole thread, but the whole “it’s junk ruderalis” people are so misinformed it’s pretty crazy tbh…

I have grown a bunch of AFs through the years and i would bet money that you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between ‘good’ AFs and ‘good’ photoperiod strains… there’s no difference… these aren’t lowryder junk from 20 years ago…


So, you openly say that anyone finding a fcking valley of difference between a given strain and its “automatic cannabis” (sic) version is just a devil’s advocate.

Since Monday and for the first time of my life, i’m in the condition of a real medical user of cannabis. My skull is literally a puzzle and maintained by screws. It make me even more radical that i was on the subject of the “legal buds” growers and their usual justifications.

The worse is that i know around me two real and justified cases that shine totally : one that stopped totally a problematic consumption of hash with these plants and one that stopped totally tobacco. Both using a well known spanish label, not “legal buds” sold decades ago on scammy/shady website ^^


I’m not saying that if you see someone selling something as “Auto OG Kush” that it’s going to be anything resembling a photoperiod OK Kush type, but i’m saying it can likely be done if bred enough.

Of course i haven’t grown everything and i don’t really keep track of the seed market these days, but i am saying that i’ve had both super strong and super tasty AF flowers, and if i gave them to ‘someone’ to try they would have no clue of it was AF or photoperiod, they might not think it’s the best they’ve ever had but would have to concede that it’s pretty good nonetheless.

As you can’t keep cuttings the quality varies a bit from plant to plant and you will find examples that knock your socks off.

My main point is people say ‘ruderalis’, when the only thing ruderalis-ish about the plants are their AF-ing habit. Not the low potency.

:man_shrugging: :yin_yang:

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I’m diving back into autoflowers after a 10+ year. I have to see if my opinion changes since there are a lot of cool new genes out there,many super autos with 25% thc.
Start em now- in like 5 weeks put em out in the pop-up greenhouse ,harvest the first week of june. If it sucks -Live rosin all of it.
I have always felt they were a GREAT tool back in the day just not the tool I needed.
I have an account at autoflower network for over 10 years with no more than 20 something post. Most of them are just shitting on autos and getting them all mad. lol what a troll.


Agree with you. I’ve spent time researching autos but haven’t yet grown them largely because I already have a pretty good to-grow list. For me, it is an all or nothing proposition and when I switch to auto, they’ll get at least six months of my limited tent time. But I will try it simply because I keep an open mind and like trying new things.

For me, the appeal of having a plant become ready every 3 weeks or so is a big draw. Fresh weed is nice and harvest is sort of joyous anyhow.

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Sorry, but I’m never going to ‘get’ autoflowers. I thought I bought regular seeds last spring and they turned out to be auto feminized seeds. I complained to the seller “Newguy420” and never heard from him.

I would never accept for free autos. I like this hobby.

You probably should have got them from Oldguy420 …

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I wouldn’t start them so soon. I’m going on the assumption you want to put them out April 1.
I’d start them around March 20th. Once you see a tap root put them in the final container in the hoop house. They should finish no later than July.
I believe you are ny also. I think you will be able to get them out earlier than April 1 also.

i was just giving an example. I started a bunch about 4-5 weeks ago.
Whats your objection to starting some now?

Autos don’t like to be transplanted a lot. If your putting them in the final container than it does not matter. Treating them like photos and doing multiple transplants will stunt them
I was talking about the ones you wanted to put outside. The ones you started 4-5 weeks ago are half done

The first Auto i ever grew was when i was the bagseed bandit back in 2021.Grew out 2 bagseeds from some smoke i got from a dispensary.I knew it wasnt like normal weed because the high was funny Almost there but nit quite and over really fast like 45 min.I didnt even know they were autos until i bumped the one transplating it and pissed off the maint tap root and i must have triggered it.Had a 4 inch auto flower Kola and the other one triggered when it grew into the other pot and threw out a plant that almost went through my light so i had to tie her down.I dont know how you guys transplant those things with out pissing them off.Most of the smoke Came out pretty Meh same problem Lasted 45 min.It was a bagseed not like the mephisto Double Grapes i had.High on that one lasted awhile almost 2 hours pretty stoney But to me Its just not there yet.With when i smoked lowryder back in the day it makes me look forward to the future of Autos with how far they’re coming.Lowryder sucked

Autos Done Carty’s Way if you really want to learn how to grow Autos…

I’ve been growing them since 2005 and, having created some wonderful crosses of my own have been on both the crappy stunted side of things and have learned what you can and cannot do according to my own experimenting.

NO Transplanting… MYTH.
I start mine all in 1gal plastic pots, not felt pots either… that’s for later. early on you do want plastic pots, I use Orchid pots for the extra drain holes… this allows your larger roots to get established…
Up pot after sexing, usually week 3 or so…

2 days ago I started…


6wks later they’ll look like this

I have my own line of Autos… Gabagoo F4 and Beast Mode I have 2 packs left.
PM me, a small donation for freight and walla… 4 pucks of 10 for 20.
not making any $ as it all goes to stamps and cards really fast.