What's wrong with my plants!

what do I need to do to get them back on track help plz

More n better n rich soi, cleann good pH watterin to clean roots, n control wattering pH right now.

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Well, first, how are you growing?? Lights? are you feeding them? How far away are the lights? If outside, bigger pots, better soil?
To me, they look simply like they need to be in larger pots, under good lights. But, I am not a plant dr by any means.

what nutrients are you using? it seems they have used up that soil and need a bigger pot. also i believe remembering you saying you were growing inside but bringing them out? if so its stress. they are not used to the bright ass sun and the uvb rays the sun puts out. if you want to get them back on track try collecting some indigenous micro organisms. http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/BIO-9.pdf

Looks like they are burning. Not sure though. Are you using any chems or fertilizers kinda stuff?

First you probably should bump that up to a pot at least twice that size… Also tell us more about what how you’ve been growing them these last couple weeks and we’ll have a Better idea.

Looks Root bound … Much to big for the small pot.
Transplant to bigger and she should recover ok.

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Hi I’m on first grow and got 8 lady’s going put them on 12.12 3 weeks ago and now starting to see pale yellow leafs on bottom of 1 and the rest have got that tobbaco somthing virus

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welcome to OG @cheese post some pics of your plant over in this thread and we can try to diagnose - although i don’t think i’ve ever heard of a confirmed case of tobacco mosaic virus in cannabis it’s almost always something else.

What's wrong with my plants!


Welcome @Cheese! Good luck with your issues.

I live in tobacco country and haven’t seen T.M.V.

Really it is most likely not TMV ask yourself…
Is there tobacco growing on the property?
Did i borrow tools that were used on tobacco?
Does anyone who lives here work in a tobacco processing plant? If you can’t answer yes to all three then there is no TMV

@cheese i had a plant i thought had TMV turns out it was just a finicky bitch. for whatever reason it wasn’t happy with the food or the ph or something but those problems can happen when you’re running multiple strains and feeding the same. i ended up fixing it by just increasing it’s food by 25%-50% compared to the others and i stopped adjusting and checking my PH all together

I don’t see any Perlite. What are you using to keep the soil friable.

That soil is definitely lacking aeration there’s no perlite, rice hulls , pumice or anything if the sort , could be mostly peat and shredded wood material which could be robbing soil if its nutrients as it breaks down soil is the first important step in getting on the right track!

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Anyone know what this pest is?