They want something!

They went into flip OK.
Recently went to R/O water.
Runoff water ph good.
Temps 78-82F
RH 50-60%

I did a little snipping on them in the flower tent.
I was planning to do a stinky stuff (fish tea) water today But, am looking for input first.

Thanks for any help!


You mentioned your pH runoff was fine ,but what was your pH of your water before you watered your plants ,also what are you feeding them and what your and npk levels


Quick Summary: Managing pH is crucial for cannabis plants to be able to take up nutrients through their roots. When the pH around the roots jumps up and down, it can stress the plant and cause brown spots to appear on the leaves. Spotting on the leaves as a results of pH fluctuations is more common in hydroponic setups (where the pH tends to go up and down), but it is possible it can also happen in soil. This seems to often happen when the pH swings too high or low.

Hope this helps


Great page, thanks for sharing … beer3|nullxnull


I live by this site lol it helps


If it were just the middle picture, my thought was light-burn or a little too much feeding. Is the light a new one or are you used to it? (Have heard that folks new to LED tend to have it too close at first).

But the first pic looks kinda 'virusey. :thinking: yikes.



I use RO, too. Do you add Cal-Mag back to your water before feeding? If not - do it. I use Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus, which includes micronutrients. I add it to all the water I give to all of my plants in soil or my ebb and flow (hydro) buckets. I add it before I mix anything else into the water to ensure there are no nute locks in the water when adding your food. The only time I don’t add Cal-Mag Plus is in the final few days of flushing.


Good eye! hum|nullxnull Saw something similar in that page … beer3|nullxnull


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Sorry I haven’t responded. I finished up a bubble cloner. Than I got lost reading all the great links you guy posted for me.

The water going in was 6.2. I am growing in Coot soil. I feed Kelp/Neem teas, fish tea. I don’t know npk levels.

I had just checked on one plant and not the two that I had just flipped. The PH on these two was just 5.6. These have only had R/O water and the others had well water until the last couple weeks.

I got lost reading this. It is also bookmarked.

I have had this light since this awesome community built it for me a couple years ago. I have the light a couple feet above them at the top of the tent.

No I haven’t!

I read this all the way through. The summary: We’re not sure if marijuana even can catch TMV,

Many common issues can cause similar symptoms, including incorrect pH, watering problems, root problems, deficiencies, etc.

I wouldn’t have a clue how they would catch it. I hadn’t grown for over a year. Just started again with seeds and recycled soil that I added all coot nuts back in. The only clones ever are the four I just took off yesterday.
If it is the virus nothing can be done.