What's Your Electric Bill?

Still a awesome experience many of us will never understand lol


you would really really benefit from LED for your veg cycle. at half the wattage you would get better results and same coverage. just some food for thought.


100% agree man, I plan to make the switch in both veg and flower.
We just bought our 1st home, needed a lot of work and cash…lot more than we anticipated :sweat_smile: .
But thankfully Im finishing building my new grow space and will be making the switch soon.


sweet, the cost upfront will be a bitch but those prices you guys pay for hydro will add up in 1/2 years lol you have any idea what lights you will be going for ?


150-215 a month


Yeah man everything expensive here.
I was initially planning to go with Gavita again, but I recently have been pulled towards Lumatek they have a 460w, 600w & a 1000w model which Im seriously considering for the flower room.
Always interested in any input too.

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Without the grow my electric bill is about 275 , not sure what its going to be after firing up the tent

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haha :laughing: thats not what you saye, nowe; I’m living in the oC California the United States kindof close to Disneyland now I used to live in Huntington Beach :desert_island: I went to Ireland :ireland: Crete, the Netherlands :netherlands: Maui Hawaii Arizona is this not on topic I dont want to mess up :laughing:

I see where I can save. So I think that’s what I need to work on.

It’s a monthly financial obligation I have to pay to my local utility for connection to the power grid, but that’s not important right now.

…I couldn’t resist! Lol

and $182 a month FYI in AZ! I run a separate standalone AC unit in addition to my house AC along with all the other usual… LED’s, fans, pumps etc…


Ugh, i just got mine and i hit $240. im not complaining compared to some of you people but its my highest in a couple of years…

Either $2.78 a month or somewhere around $200, depending on the season. Solar with net metering is weird like that. :stuck_out_tongue: They also pay me about $200 a month for what I generate though, so it’s usually a wash at worst.

I would love to switch to solar , but Idk how all that works . Up keep and such . I’m sure the upfront cost is steep as well .

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The up-front was extremely steep, ended up paying $45k (plus interest on the loan) and that was roughly half the price that the big companies offered me; this was ~4-5 years ago, before the tariffs on Chinese goods and the extra tariffs on solar panels specifically came in. It’d probably cost twice that now, and some of the state and federal incentives for going solar have been phased out too, so yeah, crazy expensive. It covers all my normal electric costs and most of what my grows use too though, so it should end up paying for itself in another 5 years. Electricity costs will probably go up by then too…


$250-$300 summer $300-$500 winter. No central heat or AC. I burn wood.

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Never higher than $150 unless the wife has the heating pumping
Before I grew bill was probably $100 month




I get over $300 bills at the lake through the winter and I have the power shut off. Its all delivery fees to deliver nothing. I feel your pain.

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Woohoo… gavita pro… 1700e… my bill hardly reflects the use of everything… my normal bill before this time of year is almost identical… that’s with a huge dehumidifier for nighttime… 2 humidifiers daytime plus co2 plus a veg tent with 2 sets of 4 ft. T5 lights 4 bars… fans plus exhaust inline ac infinity… in the basement…have ventilation duct for basement…cannatrol cool cure box upstairs for the cure when done… I also can control Temps…deffo get the 15 degree difference easily from day to night… I’d say my bill maybe went up 40 dollars… currently running light at 75 percent… last bill… $207.02

Just compared last months bill to this one. I was at .04/kWh, now it’s jumped to .09/kWh. Next month it jumps up to .12/kWh! :fearful:
Tripling my rate over 2 months is gonna hurt. :persevere: