When to Bring Plants Outside

My plants are in 18hr On that is more light than outside. Did I screw up and give it too much light?

also If anyone can explain what they’re trying to say in this article under the heading “Make sure they get a good growth period.” https://www.growbarato.net/blog/en/gigantic-marijuana-plants/

I keep reading it without it making sense to me.
Are they saying, to grow those monsters, they did all the vegging indoors?
Like I get some but the way they phrase it, like they only they only put out the plant when outside was flowering ( sunwise), so was it like 18 ft inside lol where does it get tall? I mean they pitch the fact that you can veg a plant for ten years, I get that but unless you keep transplanting it to something bigger and adding more of a wide light canopy it’s staying the same size. I must be missing something or it is a b.s article where a person found a pic and wrote not from experience.


All depends on you sun light hours you’ll want to have the plants out once the suns up for more than 12 /14 hrs I’d slowly cut your indoor lights back till your matching the hrs of sunlight there is out side approximately 14/hrs then transition the plants to the outdoors .
If you can this will prevent them from being messed up once outside.
You can also stick them out side for a few hrs a day almost any time you just don’t want them budding early .


My plants are always set to 5:26 Am to 9:26 PM that is TOTAL amount of light including sunrise and sunset times for June 1st planting in NE Ohio. I noticed the sativa plants seem to transition better than a short stubby indica but nothing flowered early. The most difficult thing to do is be patient.


Are they seedling or clones and how old. If it’s a seedling under a month old I’d put it outside and it shouldn’t flower. Clones and older plants are mature enough to flower. You can also just shine a small lamp on them for a couple hours every couple days and then stop after a week or two. Then just leave outside. I’ve missed days of turning the light on for there extra hours and I haven’t had one flower prematurely.


I am Zone 5b ( hardiness zone) little more north than Ottawa. I am excited. plants are two feet and growing fast. I wish I could just put these hoes out now lol They are in 5-7 gallon grow bags. I guess they will be fine. Under 400w hps and a double fluorescent 48 inches on each side. I only trained one, the rest are going oh natural. I also have two males as well. I am not a fan of icing plants especially nice male pure breeds.

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Friesland Indica from seed. I have pic of them at 2 nodes on March 6th. Shine a lamp on them. you mean while they are outside?


Outside or inside doesn’t matter. I did it on my porch. Lower the hours they’re getting slowly to 14 hours and then let them go. I would turn the light on one night skip a night and so on. Just give them a little extra so they don’t flower but slowly reducing it also.


If your in zone 5 I would put them out. The plant can tell the increase in light even if it’s only a 2 to 3 min. Increase everyday. If anything they will re veg. If you want big plants put them out as soon as you can…



In flowering, plant size doubles or triples, give or take. The concept is, for example, that a plant vegged to 1’ tall becomes a 2’ tall plant at the end of flowering, and so 1’ of growth is gained in that outdoor season’s flowering phase. However, if the plant were vegged to 10’ tall, the same season would see it grow to 20’ tall by the end of flowering, and so 10’ of growth would have been gained in that outdoor season’s flowering phase.

The concept from that article is this: That in our limited years as cultivators, we can produce more cannabis, if we ensure that each summer season’s free-ripening period is leveraged upon larger plants. To achieve these larger plants, we use earlier and longer periods of vegetative growth indoors.

For example, I started seeds in November 2017 and each seedling was sexed, then the females were vegged and trained and up-potted in stages throughout the winter, until they were each 4’x4’ bushes in 15gallon pots in April 2018. Then in May 2018 they were transplanted into 30gallon pots and in-ground, to grow outdoors all season. Because the plants were bigger at the start of the season, they are better able to leverage the daily available sunlight in a given area. Think in terms of combined square footage of all leaf surface area throughout the plant. A larger solar panel harvests more photons daily than a smaller solar panel, where the aggregate leaf mass provides this metaphorical solar panel.

So the writers are basically saying you can go crazy with veg stage. You can veg a plant in a heated greenhouse with supplemental light for 10+ years if you wanted, and get it to 100’ tall, and flower it like a California Redwood.

Or you can plant seeds in July and have a nice compact 2-3’ shrub to manage.

These days I like to start outdoor plants from seed in 1gallons indoors under 12/12 until they sex, and move the sexed plants into 2gallon pots with a 16/8 veg by February or March. I like having 2-3’ tall plants, with the first few lower nodes cleaned out, to go outside in early May (@ 49th). I’ve seen many cases that plants placed outside April 17th to April 27th go into early flowering and mess up the vegetative potential of the plant that season.

So I try to get my plants into greenhouses with supplemental light (16/8) in late March or early April and let them harden for a bit. End of April I start bringing photos outside, but I leave spotlights on outside that come on from 9pm to midnight to keep ethylene concentrations diffuse until the first sunny week of May.

I’ve also seen overcast weather with low photon levels cause early flowering in short Spring days which otherwise wouldn’t have. For example, a clone that has gone outside April 20th for a few years without tripping into flower, one year with a gloomy April, began flowering April 27th simply because the light levels were not adequate enough in the shoulder hours (dawn/evening) to diffuse the accruing flowering hormones.

Have a great season!

-Dr. Zinko


I’ve always vegged my plants under 24 hours of light and then just put them Outdoors. Pure Afghani types will Autoflower briefly before switching back to vegetative. It’s actually a good way to find the nice plants early in the season, but you have to pick any parts that flower off or they will mold later on in the season. Any other plants I have grown this way just continue to grow normally when placed outside


I’m glad that I came across this because I may just throw a plant outside this year. It has to finish fast in my climate. Gonna start it indoors and put it outside in June or so

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Been putting clones and a few autos out into he makeshift greenhouses since late march/early April


Very nice, Ya know I should have considered they were speaking about what can be done with a greenhouse. My ceilings are under 8 ft tall lol
Two out of five plants are 2 ft , other 3 are close to that.
Last week the sun had me excited but the last set of days have been rainy cold and dark.
Outside now seems like 12 hours Sun. twelve hours dark…/


It is zero outside right now.

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@sedin . Young plants can normally handle a frost, but I suppose it depends on your genetics. Best not to risk it with pure sativas, but anything with Kush genetics in it should survive temperatures down to 28 with no damage. They just grow slower early in the season before the ground warms up. Even if they are in the ground and NOT growing, it does seem to make a difference. Little plants that I put out early always get bigger than bigger plants put out late


Well, It is an Indica. Not sure of the kush part. Current temp 8c and low tonight of 4c.
I have one outside as of today. Fells cold and it’s rating. I wanted this plant out because 4 plants fit better under a 600w hps than five and this was the tall, lanky, olive oil of the group. I have a bushy one just as tall twice as wide but I put Olive Oil still in grow bag and wrapped a sleeve over it four feet tall of grided green wire and now the side branches are forced straight out. I may bring it in at least into the walkable from outside warmer than outside crawl space for the night. Zero days are forgasted done as of very recent and only 1 more 4c low. It is otherwise mostly 7-8-10-11 at night and days of 16-21 days. I am preparing to keep the rest inside for a week or two. Well this " Little plants that I put out early always get bigger than bigger plants put out late" is something to consider. I just worry about any possible stress breaking /slowing/herming the overall progress. I see your point. They are nice. risk seems risky lol Friesland is supposed to be very tough weather wise.

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Temperatures below 40 degrees will slow plants down, but it won’t bother them. You wouldn’t want to take it from an 80-degree grow room and put it outside in 40 degree weather without easing it into it. Although that’s what I’ve done for 30 years lol. Started under a light, and thrown outside when they are about 4 inches tall. If it’s an indica it more than likely has Hindu Kush genetics in it. It will handle the cold just fine.


20 plus nods/ 33 inch tall.
I did take it from a warm room to a lousy day.
Seemed like the thing to do, cloudy sky, ease it into the sun exposure but it got rainy and cold after a few hours.
It is not coming back in tho. I do not want to risk bring any bugs inside.
I wish I could find a home for the males. 2 bonsai and one clone I toke from the most beastly of the growing males. I know those are not supposed to be the go to, the biggest male, but it is an outdoor strain, it was branch y, cloned easy with no hormone, straight to soil. Breeding with any of the three would be great.
One female is so jacked, I have to take a couple clones. even though that means kicking out the males and Gelato x gorilla glue cross from seeds man.( it is growing slow n weird anyways.)
I want a mom of that female and I have sts chems I have been waiting to try. Not sure how like mom the fem seeds will be if it is indeed what I do and it works. I hope the same. Pure beast.

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I wouldn’t worry about it at all. The sun is really hot this time of year, and even on overcast days there is lots of light. Might take the plant a week to adjust, but it’ll soon overgrow the others

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