Bringing out the girls. (From Indoor to outdoor.)

Hey Legends. Took some cuts that were on 18/6 light cycle and put em outside recently ( spring.)
Kept a close eye on them, to my surprise every thing looked like it was going to be a seemless transition!
…. until about a month later, by the first week of summer 90 percent have started flowering. I expect a month from now they’ll be half budded & back to veg all messed up and confused. :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:

I thought this might happen, & I have had results like this in the past.
But I wanted to try again anyway.

Has anyone successfully brought out vegging indoor plants in spring and managed to keep them in veg till the right time?

Would love to hear OG’s success’s and failures on this topic.

The next ladies I take out will be when the outdoor flower cycle begins.
Roughly the last half of summer.


Yes I have put out vegging plants outside and have had great success with keeping them in veg. Putting them out in early summer is way too late to keep them in a vegetative state. It’s all about how many hours of light they receive. You want to put them out when they are receiving at least OVER 14 hours of light and cycling towards more light each day as the season progresses. Towards the end of summer the cycle will reverse and once you get below 14 hours your plants will start flowering. But by then they will have had a chance to get big and mature.

Here are some Sour diesel I grew out two years ago using the method I described:

image image image


Nice plants mate! Yeah If I put mine out in spring, they’ll turn. Which they did. 14 hours is not achievable where I live.
Think I’m just going to have to except I can only grow from seedlings outside or bring out the Indoor girls to flower mid summer.


A LOT depends on where you are geographically and will also determine what type of strains you should or should not grow. For example:

If you are in Canada with a short growing period picking a long flowering Sativa would be a poor choice. Picking an autoflowering plant or an Indica with a short flowering cycle would be a better choice. And then there are many other factors such as amount of rain, humidity, and lack of.

Knowing your strains and picking the proper one for your area will greatly improve your successs.


Depending on your setup you can gas light them by turning on a light for an hour or two during the middle of the night. As long as you breakup the night, they will stay in veg until you stop. Or just wait until over 14-14.5 hours of daylight and increasing before going out with them.


All great advice there. :pray: I have had some good results with autos outside.
Removes any light cycle issues. :slight_smile:


Might try this method next year. Thanks :+1:t2:


Just a couple of days to go until the days start to get shorter. Crossing my fingers these beautiful plants have not decided to revert back to veg already.