Outdoor Growing

Hello, I am currently growing inside. I have 4 plants 5weeks into flower. And I have 12 clones. I recently put 3 of them outside(granddaddy purple, blueberry, and purple kush) in 10gal grow bags. They are about 4-6in tall. I used a mix of strawberry fields and ocean forest both by Fox Farms for my soil. I am a little concerned because the temp is supposed to get down to 47°F over night where I am. I’ve never grown in grow bags outdoors before. And I’ve never put plants outside this early before. Am I doing good? Should I have waited to put them outside?
Edit: here are some photos


47 shouldn’t be much of a problem, hopefully it’ll warm up quickly once the sun is up. What latitude are you at? I’m at almost 43 and I’d be a little worried about them starting to re-veg before they finish, but 5 weeks is pretty far along, you might be okay.

ETA: Did you start flowering indoors? A little unclear about when you put the plants out.


If you have some plastic pots, put those over the plants overnight.


You’ll need to take them back in the house at night in order to keep the same 12/12 light hours. Otherwise it will go back into vegetation and, you’ll lose any flower that’s going now. I’m doing that. I take them outside most every day, but they come back inside for bedtime. Mine are four weeks into flowering, too. The light hours outside are going beyond 12/12 by this time of year. peace


Yeah, this has been a problematic Spring in New England. I put all my veggies & some canna outside on May 2, normally safe and 14 hours of daylight for everyone to just continue vegging outside.

But it still hasn’t gotten warm here, 50’s F for two weeks with a gnarly dry wind bashing the young plants and sucking the moisture from the leaves. I think everything will survive, but definitely tough conditions here.



Sounds a lot like here in southern Colorado. I was taking all of my plants outside early and bring them in at night until it warmed a little. Man, the wind thrashed my plants, good. Crispy edges, and it sort of slowed the growth, too. Still been cool with a little warm up coming this week. I finally started leaving a bunch outside and I still bring 4 in every night. Looks like we may have a wetter than normal late spring this year, too.

I have used a layer of straw it did help protect them as long as it did not get below 45* at night.

I kinda love how widely New England varies in terms of temps, etc. We were into the 70s several days last week, and we’ll be in the 70s most of this coming week with one day into the 80s. I’ve been starting to harden off plants, I’d like to get closer to June 1st before they go outside fulltime (I’ve been running the light 16/8).

On the other hand we did have that one crazy cold night, I heard it did damage to the orchards/blueberry operations.

That is a good call this year @yardgrazer!

Cape Cod is an oddball climate-wise. We’re more part of the “Maritimes” than anything. I have a small fruit tree orchard, apples & whatnot, and every year we get a different weather & pest pattern. Whatever we get is what the northeastern seaboard gets.

I love wild weather, and around here we tend to get it!

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I timed it so I had clones that are still in veg to put outside so no flowers

Sorry the ones I put outside are little clones that were still in VEG

I take it these are photoperiod plants?

Depending on how much of a difference there is between your indoor veg lighting schedule and the length of your day they might produce flowering hormones and start stretching but they should be fine (they should go back to veg if that happens).

I gotchya. I run an 18/6 light schedule. And where I am the sun comes up about 6-6:30am and sets around 8-8:45

Sometimes the abrupt shift from 18/6 to… 14/10 or so I guess in your case… can trigger flowering. I’ve been running my light 16/8 for that reason (we’ll be up to 15 hours of sunlight here by the end of the week). Most likely the worst thing that will happen will be a little bit of stretching and then re-vegging, not the end of the world.

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Ahh thank you all for your wonderful knowledge. Much appreciated