Who are your favourite writers? What do you read?

im mostly a non fiction guy but i was turned on to this book as a teenager and my lifes journey started down another path this book is one of few books that i read each page multiple times in a row to really help paint the picture in my head

found it in pdf form for everyone’s enjoyment


also worth noting i dont believe this work or really much of any of his work was fiction i feel he may have just changed peoples names as ive seen writings before on who the real characters were in his books in real life

i think the pharmaceutical lobbyists are holding that one as long as we allow lobbyists

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Most recent book I read was into the wild by John Krakauer. Excellent read. Don’t watch the movie. Doesn’t do the book justice.


movies rarely do


Plant to read Walden: life in the woods by Hendry David Thoreau next. Too busy this time of year though.

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I can think of a couple where the movie far outdid the books…

LOTR would be an instant example.
Sin City another.

LOTR idk about that

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And only the first sin city, maybe… They sure did a great job in the movie the way they did it

LOTR is a long, plodding read.

The movies don’t plod at all…lol

I don’t consider Sin City 2 to exist.

Please don’t bring it up again.


i second that statement

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That made my day, ah great.

But, what about tom bombadil… TOM BOMBADIL!


C.S.Lewis, Tolkien, and Saul/Paul not necessarily in that order

Every book to movie that I can think of had some changes. (Except for Sin City, that was virtually ripped from the Frank Miller graphic novels, even the camera angles for shots were identical to the ones in the comic panels)

I didn’t even remember Tom until you brought him up, that’s how important to the story I thought he was…

neal asher, tom holt/ k j parker, steven baxter. reading 2 of swords right now. jack four next. not related, lol.

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It’s weird. You used to never find me without my nose buried in a book, but now it has been several years since I read any fiction for fun.

I’ve read a lot of works by:
T. Coraghessan Boyle (the plot of Budding Prospects revolves around a guerilla outdoor grow)
Kurt Vonnegut
Carl Hiassen
Tom Robbins
Stephen King
Neil Gaiman
Michael Chabon
and more…

Thanks to my mom’s obsession, I’ve acquired a complete set of autographed first editions by Kinky Friedman. He’s a country singer turned mystery author. In the books the main character is Kinky Friedman: country singer turned private eye. He’s a bit of a celebrity in Texas, right @oleskool830? :slight_smile: The stories aren’t long on plot, but they are full of humor. I have a big storage box labeled “KINKY BOOKS” which has garnered some fun comments over the years.


Anybody who like the classic Russians should also check out Nikolai Gogol.

He’s Ukrainian but a big influence on the later big works. It’s heavy, inaccessible, and highly comical.

Dead Souls is hilarious. He died before finishing it so it trails off.

These days I mostly read nonfiction.


Gore Vidal - Creation, Lincoln . . . & more
Norman Mailer - Ancient Evenings . . . & more
Colleen McCullough - Master of Rome series . . . & more
Ken Follet - The Pillars of the Earth . . . & more
Noah Gordan - The Physician
Ildefonso Falcones - Cathedral of the Sea

As you can see, I like historical fiction . . .

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And how could I forget Hilary Mantel . . . the Cromwell trilogy . . . Wolf Hall etc

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