WHO'S WHO? Rock Front Man?

Ok Friend’s

I have a question and it goes a little something like this:> Please tell me why you think the Front man you pick is the best one out of these 2 Rock Front Men …

Diamond David Lee Roth --OR-- Red Rocker Sammy Hager

:guitar: :musical_note: :notes:

Thank You for your opinions and precipitation…

Oh by the way I seen both performers and my vote hands down is Mr. Diamond Dave


The correct answer is David Lee Roth.

I never hear a Van Hagar song on the radio and I likes it that way.

EDIT: my god are those alligator leather pants? Alligator boots are like 1K, I can’t imagine how much pants would cost. Spectacular.


Interesting topic…


My vote would be Roth all the way. I actually didn’t mind Hagar and they put out some good tunes but Roth was quite the showman. I play them both on my radio.


Are we doing “Simon or Garfunkel?” Next?


Simple Simon Says?

Garfunkle does Defunk?


It’s not too late to add a poll to this topic. That should answer this conclusively.

I’m only gonna tell you one time, come ooooonnn!

The amount of unbridled energy Roth put into Running with the Devil still stands out in my mind. Seeing him try to sing like that in his later years it’s apparent that his passion cost him his voice


No question… Diamond Dave!! Saw both with Van Halen, hands down, David Lee Roth was THE Entertainer…


Roth, with out a doubt. :100:


Iv seen the band perform about a dozen times over the years, twice on some tours. Saw Dave twice… Wolfie once. My sons first concert was the Balance tour at about age 9.

Dave has a different style, more rocker frontman than Sammy sure. I think Eddie played just a little harder in the early years also.

Sammy is probably my favorite though, when we compare vocalists.

Quick story. Summer 1978, I’m a 16yo kid spending the summer in Corpus Christi Texas. I bought the debut album and was listening to it in my aunts garage which had an old cabinet style radio and turntable. I didnt get half way through Running with the Devil before my aunt came out and pulled the fucking plug and took the album. Got that look only a devout Baptist woman can give… I never saw that album again!

That summer I fell in love with Van Halen, Datsun Z cars, Padre Island and a short blond named Cindy… I married a Cindy! True story…


I think they both have their place if we’re talking about Van Halen it’s got to be David Lee Roth but seriously check out Sammy as frontman for Montrose. Back in his prime he was the man just like diamond Dave. There’s my two cents keep the change.

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Diamond Dave hands down.

Freddie Mercury beats Diamond Dave though…

and I’m not even really a Queen fan.


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