Conversations that never happened but could have

So…Bob Dylan agreed to tour with the grateful dead. He was warned by everybody not to bother jerry Garcia before the show. Of course being Bob Zimmerman he had an insatiable curiosity and after dress rehearsal, wandered over to Jerry’s dressing room and knocked on the door.
A faint voice calls ‘come on in’
Bob walks through the door and sees Jerry hunched over a line of white powder with a rolled up.$100
bill in his hand. Jerry looks up and says ‘wants some?’
Bob walks over and takes the rolled up hundred and mumbles ‘long time since I did any good coke’
As he hoovers the last of the line in his nostril he hears ‘that’s not coke’

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A long story short….

Few years back was in communication with Boston George aka George Jung and his lovely wife Rhonda…They were stuck(Covid lockdown) at the Wanderlust in upstate NY and needing quality meds for the both of them…we’d sent them some of my Cannabis via a care package….they loved it of course! :wink:

Some time later in talks he mention that he was very interested in a Cannabis brand under his name along with a custom strain bearing his name as well…this was discussed over the course of months and unfortunately we couldn’t come to a agreement before he passed…

RIP Georgie


P.S. True story :wink:


Warren Haynes decides to go to gruhn guitars in Nashville to see what they got. He’s greeted warmly and is soon being shown some of the rare Gibson les pauls, goldtops, sunbursts etc. He asked the salesman, ‘do you have a 12 string LesPaul?’ The salesman says I don’t think I have ever seen one’
Warren asked for the owner and George Gruhn comes from behind the door in the back and asks ‘yes sir can I help you?’
Warren says ’ have you ever had a 12 string Les Paul?’ George says ‘I don’t believe they ever made a 12 string Led Paul’ Warren says ‘can you check?’
George gets down some old hello page books from a shelf and begins searching…‘sorry Mr Haynes, it doesn’t look like Gibson ever made a twelve string Les Paul’
Warren thanks him and leaves the store. A few minutes later he is at the Gibson factory and offices. He walks to the front desk and a blonde receptionist asks ‘can I help you?’
Warren looks in her eyes and says ’ I want a 12 string Les Paul’
She says ‘let me get my manager’
She’s on the phone and a skinny guy with a shirt and tie comes to the desk. ‘Can I help you Mr Haynes?’
(Luckily he is a fan )
’ I want a 12/string Les Paul’
‘I’m so sorry Mr Haynes we so not make those here.’
‘I want a 12/string LesPaul’
Warren stares and leans forward.
‘I’m not sure that’s practical, we would have to change the headstock design and redo all the parameters of the bridge and …’
Louder this time Warren says ‘I want a 12/string CHERRY SUNBURST LesPaul’
The manager realizing he is about half as large as Warren and much less intimidating defers’ well I suppose I could talk to our custom shop’
Warren smiles and says nothing.
The manager quickly retreats and in a few minutes returns with a guy wearing a plaid flannel shirt and goatee.
‘Mr Haynes can I help you?’
‘I want a Cherry sunburst LesPaul what PAF style pickups, a 58 style neck and 12/STRINGS…’
The custom shop manager looks away for a minute, looks at the floor for a long time and looking Warren Haynes dead in the face with unflinching eyes and says …‘It shall be done’