Any Phish fans ? Last night was a heater!

Howdy y’all . I was wondering if there are any jam band fans here . I like Phish , the Dead , Umphrey’s… I play guitar in a couple of projects . Who’s into those heady funk jams ?


Used to be quite into Phish - saw them about 13 times through the mid to late 90s. Kinda got of the train after “Story of the Ghost”.

Still amazed how similar Phish and Zappa are.

Still like the dead though!

Guitarist here too :slight_smile: - about 28 years now! Still play almost every day.


i dig the fishes, from a long and short time view. last night was a 5-6 out of 10 to me. but yes, jam bands are great, and love to see the enthusiasm!

You going again tonight?

Tonights show will be the best of the run. 2nd nights of the 4 seem to be the trick, and then just hope for the best NYE. please no more golf balls or fucking hot dogs, please just real good music and save the gimmicks, as i will be watching :slight_smile:

Cheers, be safe, and say hi to the big NYC for me :wink:


I’m not going tonight unfortunately. I’m happy Trey is sober … The band is a well oiled machine at this point. I was at Coventry unfortunately and lost faith in the band for a bit … I got lucky and got a Languedoc guitar in the early 2000’s … Gear and dank genetics , playing guitar are some of my favorite things lol . Happy New Year y’all :tropical_fish: Agreed tonight will be epic!!


Cool man. I’ll put some clips up after the Eagles kick some ass ! Nice to see some jammers here !

Languedoc is pretty slick! What you rolling with amp wise??

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A Two Rock Emerald pro . Double clone ??

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Oops I meant Dumble clone lol .

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Slick setup - you are Defo on the Trey vibe :slight_smile:

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What’s your rig like ? Gear addiction is like seed addiction hahah . Can’t post a video here yet . Guessing cause I’m new ? :grinning: … I like use loops a lot for practice and stuff …

Zappa ! What a talent … Inca Roads is badazzz.


I’m more of a fender guy - main git is a Johnny Marr Jag, but have a late 70s strat and a Les Paul as well (among other gits).

Amp wise my mains are a 1963 brownface deluxe, and a 1965 blackface deluxe (non reverb) and some other tube amps I’ve built.


You can’t post videos here as such. Not directly anyway. You can upload to YouTube and then paste the link though :wink:

I have no idea the other shit going on in this thread but the guitars very nice


Did you see what Jerry’s alligator strat just sold for?


Yep! Pretty wild for a heavily modded 55 Strat :slight_smile: - provenance is everything.

Went to a collector who loans out his gear to be used at least!


420 :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

worth every penny

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That’s cool . Better than s “collector “ like a doctor or a lawyer . That thing is meant to be played lol .

Can’t beat a good Blackface fender … I had a 65 as well … I put a hemp cone Tone Tubby speaker in it . Major improvement …

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How much ? 7 figures I’m guessing ?