Win x6 Sensi Seeds in this latest Vault Promo - CLOSED

Aaaaaah, I missed that thread. First I saw some circuits and never thought you would go further :grin:. I’m glad I was wrong, let’s see how you will manage them, nice move … :sunglasses:


It is very low oder I don’t get much of anything from mine.


Good stuff @allotment I bet they will be awesome.


I live in Canada and since Oct 2018 its been legal in my country to grow Cannabis…i sent an email to these trying to order seeds…this was there response when i ask if they knew where i could get seeds.

Dear customer,

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately we can not recommend any resellers, we do not know.

Maybe some day in the future we are able to send our seeds and CBD products to your country.



Customer Service

Sensi Seeds
+31 20 6262988
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 131
1012DE Amsterdam

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

I like these guys it was my first choice…so even if you won could you get the seeds?? I tried giving them cash they wouldn’t take it…just the facts!

Go through if your having difficulty direct from sensi.

I gotta say i was more annoyed with these guys than the gov…just seeing the sensi brand was annoying…then pay them with bit-coin…what? I put my money in an envelope like the old days and hope for the best. I’m here now and I’ll make some friends…end up with some most excellent genetics. I even tried Mark Emery…that guy is like a ghost…did he die?? Perhaps I’m too old…haha

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Lots of good genetics around for sure. Try Mosca or Jordan of the Islands. Great genetics.

I don’t think emery is in the seed game anymore

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Congratulations @allotment! :smiley:

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Whoop ! Whoop! Congrats @allotment! You lucky devil you!

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Well, it’s been almost two weeks, I sent three emails and got no answer. Maybe it was just a joke.

Hi Buddy,

You can buy Sensi seeds at

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I’m sure there’s just been a miscommunication.

The guys at the vault dont stuff around and have never let me down.
@The_Vault_Team should sort you out.
Edit; or @George_The_Vault seeing he posted within seconds of me.

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The Vault accept cash payments buddy :slight_smile:

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hi @allotment its certainly not a joke buddy.

Gary has moved on from his full time role at The Vault (he will be missed) and I have checked Gregs inbox today and we don’t seem to have received any email from you so i do apologise if things have gone awry at some point however I will pick this up and sort it out for you. Can you send me a private message on here buddy with your postal name, address, T Shirt size and your preference of prize - Big Bud or Northern Lights

As there has been some confusion on this one, I will boost your prize up with some bonuses too buddy so let me know if you prefer autos or fems

Sorry for the issues


Hi @George_The_Vault

That explains a lot. :wink: I was hesitant to put it in here, but more private messages to Gary would not have helped then. Unfortunate timing I guess, no problem. :sunglasses: Thanks a lot for getting back to me, I have sent you a private message.


sorted :slight_smile:

Sorry about the confusion buddy but always feel free to contact me if you have issues


+1 for u guys on my trust meter @George_The_Vault


After several days of “item is now leaving the UK” it now reached … London. :confused:

I know leaving things is very complicated in the UK, but I hope it arrives before Brexit. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Getting a bit excited now, yay free stuff!


haha, that made me chuckle, sometimes the tracking is slow to update, all good buddy :slight_smile:


It’s all good, and I doubt it’s in London really. But I had to post that Brexit joke. :wink:

PS. We (EU) are going to keep Scotland, right? Right?