Wizdoms Auctions ... 🌲

As I write my reply lol

This :arrow_up::arrow_up::arrow_up::arrow_up:

And I think it’s more fair to the person whose in the lead not to get sniped.


Agreed. I don’t endorse the sniping, I always thought it was kind of a shady move. But I did think it helped in the long run. Now I’m not so sure. :thinking:

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Personally, I like the snipping. Been dealing with auctions for decades and it’s part of the culture. If someone does not want to get snipped they should bid their maximum amount. Then it’s only a case if someone wants to pay more then they are willing to. Folks complain about snipping and I get it but in my opinion, they should just bid more if they really want something. Trying to get something cheap and then complaining you got outbid at the last second never made sense to me. But hey, to each their own.


theirs a good chance I’d be for sniping if I had the patience or time and I’m generally disorganized af… :rofl: :wink: on the other hand it can be like auctions irl moving by small increments developing fun competitions. happened in the pic of the year auction.

@Wizdom might be fun to allow snipping once to see if their is a change in donation amounts, you’d probably want to do 2 rounds with the same strains if ur gonna be accurate. if your like me and think social experiments are fun lol :sweat_smile:


That was kind of my point in the beginning. However, you want to look at it, it ultimately brings more money to the cause. At least that was my thought.


its a good point, sometimes I gotta get there on my own to see lol

got a lotta good points :wink: seein his whole collection you know theres plenty of gold in them packs

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Those pictures are only of the seed that didn’t get selected to stay in the fridge


If you continue to do this in lots of seven. We’re going to be here a few years. :joy:

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I bid $45 on lot #4


Wishing you nothing but success, Brother!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


OK you got me this time ! Only cause I’m sure it’s going to get even better ! Cheers


Gonna hop on that wiki fo sho. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks @Wizdom :call_me_hand:t4:


Hey @Wizdom what’s that pirate bag anything in it ?pirate of the emerald triangle ? If there something in it I will bid 20 .00 sorry I’m just a seed whore hahaha

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@Thetravler It’s the Hawaiian Lites F2 from Humboldt CSI, Lot #7. I took a picture of it to show the other side.

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I’m off to bed got along day tomorrow if you change the list please hit me up thanks and good night OG Fans !!!

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Sorry are you wanting to do $20 on lot #7? @Thetravler

And new auction will be posted this Thursday.

Thanks :v:

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@Doober has given me more information about his seeds. Thank you mate. :v:

The Blueberry Hashplant fems are S2. Doober got the S1 seed from 3Thirteen, who feminized Bodhi’s release, then he reversed those to make the S2.

The DreamCatcher is directly from a GreenPoint seed pack.

Thank you again mate :blush:


Good morning @Wizdom

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Morning @Golfnutt :v:

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Thanks @Wizdom for a chance at the pack of MeatBreath S1 Feminized Photoperiod, really nice of you to give us all a chance at this one :point_up: again! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::fire::boom::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Good luck to all! :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover: :crazy_face::blush::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol: