Your Best wishes for Mars Hydro 14th Anniversary

:+1: thanks

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Woohoo the big 14!

Here’s one you might like better:

If I win I want a t-shirt too for obvious reasons. I can’t afford a shirt. I’m a size XL


Now that’s slick! Amazing looking

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thanks If your photo is selected, we will send you a gift :grinning:


Best wishes and happy 14 the to a very valuable piece of growth history.
My wish is for all the growers here on OG get a light…
And as for me i would just like to have a complete kit matching.
Here are some more stuff i have right now



The campaign is over, I have submitted your pictures to the team that made the video, we will let you know if the pictures are selected. Thank you for your participation :hugs: :kissing_heart:

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I feel like imitation is always the best form of flattery.

cool idea @MarsHydro I like it :upside_down_face:

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Hi,please join this event, and there are gifts

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@Heliosphear theres a magnet and a grinder up for grabs. Who would have thought it :eyes:

@MarsHydro will go check it out now. But follow TheOGBudCast on youtube and helios threads for more inspiration. Just make sure you subscribe.
(Would be hilarious if you actually did)

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Hi,the gifts on each of our platforms are different, you can pay more attention to us, we will have other gifts in the future

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Happy 14th Cannaversary @MarsHydro I love my Lights!


happy birthday mars hydro…hope and wish for all my OG growers to have new lights. i for one could really use a complete set, all one factory…
#Giveaway for the Mars Hydro 14th Anniversary Celebration. Let MarsHydro realize your wishes!

How to enter↓:
-Follow @official_marshydro & like this post

-Comment your sincere wishes to MarsHydro & tell your own wishes

-Create post on your page to show ‘Real You’ (can cover face) or your canopy in photo/video & put #marshydro14th

Marshydro will choose one grower to send grow equipment values US$500 (Winner can choose prize freely); Plus extra 3 winners get special gift!

Valid time within August 25th
Good luck all!
over grow the world
love my mars hydro and all the products i have found



pleae comment on this thread:Giveaway For The Mars Hydro 14th Anniversary Celebration

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Hi, thanks,pleae comment on this thread:Giveaway For The Mars Hydro 14th Anniversary Celebration

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