Your Best wishes for Mars Hydro 14th Anniversary

:heart:Mars Hydro 14th Anniversary :heart:

We are excited to announce that Mars Hydro is about to celebrate its 14th anniversary, and we want to express our gratitude for your support and loyalty throughout the years. We wouldn’t have made it this far without you.

To mark this special occasion,would you like to send us your blessings?It would be very heartwarming if you would take a clear picture or video to express your wishes for the 14th anniversary of Mars Hydro.the pics will include both the person and the MARS product,if you do not want to show your faces ,you can wear masks or mosaics,or photograph your backside instead of your face

We will turn your picture into a Mars Hydro 14th Anniversary greeting video. Show it to all our friends together. Once the video or picture is adopted, we will send our 14th anniversary limited gift: grinding box + magnetic sticker.Limited quantity, first come first served

Thank you again for your support, and we look forward to celebrating this milestone with you.


Happy 14th anniversary you guys!

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Hi,thanks,please check this: It would be very heartwarming if you would take a clear picture or video to express your wishes for the 14th anniversary of Mars Hydro.the pics will include both the person and the MARS product,if you do not want to show your faces ,you can wear masks or mosaics,or photograph your backside instead of your face


I can take a pic, but I don’t have any Mars Hydro stuff to include in it​:sweat_smile::rofl:


Congratulations on 14 years mars Hydro! I would love to enter your contest but I don’t currently run any of your lights. Best of luck with the giveaway!

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Woohoo happy birthday!

Here’s my pic. This tent is 4 years old and in perfect shape. It has a tsl2000 in it you can’t see:

Also I like anything with the word grinder in it.


Mars hydro got me into growing because the initial cost is so little compared to most other lights. My whole first grow was praising the 150 w light giving me 200 grams in a 2x2!
Thanks Mars hydro for making affordable products that bring people with little to no money into the scene!

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Hey @carty @lovedaautos check it! @Illicitmango
@blowdout2269 @OhNo555


Haven’t even fired it up yet but I recently acquired this beauty right here! Gotta say @MarsHydro has come a long way over the years and really stepped up their game! Happy Anniversary and here’s to many many more :clinking_glasses:


TS-1000 was a game changer in my mind @MarsHydro


Morning T(e)STY1


Good morning brother! Love the pic


Nice one, this pic is definitely making the video! :star_struck::+1::raised_hands:


When does this end?

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Happy Anniversary @MarsHydro Best wishes for the next 14 years!

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   °°° Happy 14th Marshydro °°°

I’ve been purchasing your products since 2020 & I only have good things to say about your products ! From 1st hand experience !

My FC3000 led lighting :sparkles: :heart_eyes: :ok_hand: Grows Plants!

Below is my C99 x Sour Strawberry at approximately 2 months old.

Another rounds of beautiful plants growing!



hi,this pic is beautiful,but we need you are in the pics,you can refer to the pic below,Do not write text on the image

if you don’t want to show your face,I suggest you refer to the following pictures ,as we need to choose some pic from many pics, which can increases the chances of winning. Thank you for your support :heart: :heartpulse:

Hi,thank for your support,we suggest you can refer to this pics


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Happy 14 anniversary @MarsHydro