0/10 Do not reccomend

Yep the tent can hold 110lbs and correction the light i have coming is ‎13.77 pounds. Went with this one.


Went with that light because it has both UV and IR, on top of the normal full spectrum and wasnt super insanely priced and while their are only 2 reviews on it, they are both decent. As far as the one that says it runs hot, that isnt much of a concern because I have 2- 8in 430cfm fans coming so im not super worried about the heat, plus that room runs colder than the rest of the house because there is no heat vent in it.

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I used every trick I could to set up my 4’ x 8’ x 7’ old Hydropharm tent, it was the 7’6" rafters that made it a bear to wrestle with.
Tearing it back down, then resetting up elsewhere, for work to be done, was very long day for me also.
I’m a panda nut now.


I cant even fathom what it would be like setting up a 7ft tent.


That is what I have, and every single time I have had to take it down and put it up feels like the first time, I am lost inside cussing and fussing until I get it back together it is a love hate relationship for sure


Oh yes, there was plenty of cussing.

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All you need is a little help.


lmao I wish

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Been there, hated that, smoked 3 bowls of Queen Mother Sativa to deal. :rofl:

Congrats on the success though @Ace71975 !


Thanks brother, It wasnt fun but I didnt want to wait till the weekend when my son comes over so I got it done lol.


What are you my dad?!


Me: So when you opening the pool so I can help?

Dad: I did it already.

Me: DAD! I know you are capable but you’re 81, wouldn’t you prefer to keep that energy to play a game of tennis or go on a hike?

Dad: I did it over 3 days… and played tennis on 2 of them and hiked on the third day so…

Me: … okay fair.



Well, My oldest child that I know about is 32, so that entirely depends on your age. But I am a dad, 5 times over, and also Gen X lol


I’m 43 going on 15.
My sis is 55, and my Dad is 81 and Mum 76.


Ok so you are 6 years younger than me lol im 49.


So why you sound like my Dad? :thinking:


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Cause inside im 95 and a grumpy old man :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: And I have ADHD so zero patience to wait on anyone who could help, but the tent is now fully up and running, patched the air out into the dryer vent line so that its blowing the heat straight outside. But now I gotta start 2 more seeds cause I have 2 self watering pots left that i now have plenty of room for lol.

I also Uppotted all my plants that were in the other tent into the self watering planters so today has been productive.


Have you been using this light for long? That’s super cheap for a 500 watt light. I’m looking for a light and don’t want to spend a ton.

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I literally JUST got it in the mail today, and set it up today, so not even 1 day. But so far it seems pretty damn nice, only hard to figure out where to set the spectrum switch and what the numbers on it mean because it does not come with a manual lol.

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Be happy it’s not sloped, slopes are dangerous.
Thats a great price for that size. They’ve gone down so much since the “old” days

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I made sure to avoid that On purpose lol

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