100g reservoir ideas?

Do these have lids? Where did you find these

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Yes, and it was the slowest leak of my life. I thought it was sweating for weeks. We use it for chicks now and I took a pic of where it leaks from. I got most of the chicken shit out of the way for you.

It’s not even a hairline crack, I think the plastic is thinner from being worked into the wheel well and it barely sweats from the weight of the water. My spouse thinks I’ve lost my mind.
I saw your pic and audibly said “no not that one” 🫣 so I had to mention it.


Thanks! Back to the drawing board

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Yes they have lids. Got them at the grow shop. $80 each.


May just grab a brute trash can 44g only but only $60 and local. Can also use for other things when done w them. Sacrifice 6g hmmm


These 100 gallon stock water troughs are what I used when I last ran hydroponics 3 years ago. They are HDPE and the were $100 pre Covid. They are tough as nails. Good luck with your search!


How solid are the drains. I don’t have a need for one just hoping it won’t fail and leak in that area. They seem to still be around $100

Just make sure you get something with a lid. You are already dealing with humidity issues and your dehumidifier isn’t going to appreciate 50+g of open water in your space. Plus, larger surface area = more evaporation = more humidity.

(Not in specific reference to anything recommend above, just general things to consider IMO)

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Drain seems fine, it’s a threaded plug. Lid is a great call, I had humidity issues without lids.

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Make sure you leave the lid on or it’ll bow out when full…

I use these for my RDWC and outside for rain collection :+1:

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