2021 Fall Seed Run Co-op Boxes

Basic guidelines for seed increases are for ‘out of production’ cultivars. That is, cultivars not currently for sale by the originator or after receiving a thumbs-up from them. This differs from crosses or worked lines, land race stock, etc. On occasion, questions or concerns pop-up late in the process since it’s not always clear what’s active, what’s a worked line, etc. For something that is current and active or, if not certain, please reach out to TeamOG to discuss before hand.

Not everything can be distilled in a black and white manner. There is a desire, though, to balance between being respectful to the originator/breeder when running seed increases.

Guidelines we’ve been following are mostly based on Bodhi’s comments and past discussion on the forum. Here is the reference to Bodhi’s comments, which are fairly liberal, to give you an better idea: