2021 Fall Seed Run Co-op Boxes

Missed it as well I guess sadly


Me too! But I am sure it will come around in some form

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Def gonna keep my eyes peeled :eyes:

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There was none. With the delays in shipping for the Fall Box, I wanted to ensure there would be a distributor before I opened up a thread. In the background, I and the seed donator have been trying for the past month or so to get confirmation, but haven’t heard back. Worst case scenario is that I will fund distribution from my own pocket, but if that happens, I will also limit the sign ups.

BTW, and this isn’t directed at you guys, I know I can start a Seed Run thread and assume the same distributor network that’s already in place. However, there have been such delays in shipping due to personal reasons, I simply want to get confirmation. Hence - my prior post/message to Sebring.


If you do end up going the self distro root, let me know if you want some stamps or flips. I think providing people with BOG gear is an amazing undertaking, in whatever form it happens.


I’d be willing to donate some $$ to help cover shipping


Thanks @sprinklememaynee & @OGTreeSlayer! Unfortunately, that’s not gonna work out. I can’t safely accept money online, nor do I want to provide my info to receive cash. Sorry - but again - thank you.


no worries!


Hey @Purple-N-Hairy , I am more than happy to deal with the Canadian portion if you need. Not much help to you in the USA with the whole border issue thing but at least can help in my small part of the world. Thanks for reproducing a legendary BOG line.


Thanks, but my plan is to send the seeds to the US distributor, and let that person send them to the others around the world. I want no part of shipping a package across borders, for I am in a state where there are no legal grows.


Fair enough. I certainly was concerned when I sent my last 2 loads to Sebring and I am in a legal area so I totally understand your concern there. This is one of the reasons I am not taking payments yet from Canadians for the fall box just in case there are issues with the seeds making it to me. Hope it all works out for you man.


Hope it all works out, if you need anything just hmu I’ll help out in any way I can


Hello good mornig for everyone.
I have a question about these boxes.
can they be sent to Spain?
If possible, could someone send me a private message with instructions on how I should do it for donations from Spain? I still don’t have enough confidence, but I hope to gain more confidence as I feel more comfortable in the forum.
Thank you


thanks for answering me.
I tried to tag your name but it doesn’t come out.
It was very useful for me that you mentioned the sebrings site
Thank you


Go read the Co-op basics thread…

Yes you can get a box if you are in Spain.

But not this box…

A quick summary:

You sign up for individual runs as they are posted over the course of the year. Then, at the end of the year, you are sent a box with the seeds from all the runs you signed up for.

So if you sign up for a “hypothetical Bx1” run posted today, your “Hype Bx1” seeds would come in the spring/summer ‘22 box….


Send me an email, and I’ll send you an amazon gift card for supplies! :v:


Thanks, @PlantShepherd, that’s very kind, generous and OG of you! But that still puts me in a position of having to give out my info. My safe address is off limits for a while, so I don’t really have any other options other than what I’ve already laid out.


Meaning I can send a gift card to your email rather than a physical address. Either way it’s all good. :pray:


Oh, I gotcha’ - thanks for clarifying. The supplies aren’t as much of a burden as the postage - especially the international postage. Amazon has those international stamps, but they’re quite a bit more expensive than at the post office.

I’m pretty set on utilizing the current distributors we have, or a replacement distributor if Sebring relinquishes his duties. Or handle it myself on a smaller scale if a distributor isn’t confirmed.


JuSt TaKe My MoNeY DoUgLaS!!! Lol :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :laughing: