2023 "Field of Dreams"

3 June 2023 Update

Wish my garden looked like some of the others I see on here, but that’ll come with time and experience. Here is a dump of everything, for my own note keeping and whatever feedback/advice I can get. Started a fresh batch of compost tea with identical recipe this morning for application to all the produce/weed tomorrow morning.

Front Veggie Bed:
The right we have some zucchinis, pumpkins to the left. Some peppers that are really slow to get going, and tomatoes that are coming along. This bed has a lot of exposure, sun, wind, everything. It works really well later in the season but everything in the beds starts slow compared to the weed, because the weed is in the best spot (good sun, good windbreaks), naturally :rofl: I’m not worrying yet and attributing most of the stunted growth to the extreme wind we’ve had this season. I’ve got some heirloom cherry tomatoes on either edge, as well as Mortgage Lifter and Pink Brandywine towards the middle (thanks to @Radicle_Reefer recommendations). They’re hard to spot amongst the cover crop but just about reaching the cow panel for training. Last year everything took off mid-June. Wish it looked better, open to suggestions.

Back Veggie Bed:
Tomatoes and peppers. Amish Paste heirlooms here (salsa and tomato sauce), they’re adapting to the sudden rise in temperatures. Again, I’ve seen them recover mightily from this and become behemoth producers. If something’s obviously wrong and correctable, please, tell me.

Well, this clearly hasn’t gone quite to plan. There is grass, but it’s certainly not uniform. I haven’t done much other than add compost (that was pretty bad I think - high K and Na based on all the testing I did for the grow bags and beds), some Humic soil conditioner and grass seed. Ironically, the accidental grass seed on the left edge is growing just fine. Obviously my work has not helped. Any advice appreciated!

These seem to be doing alright. I’ve been plucking blossoms on the blueberries, they’ve been to hell and back. Starting with the 7.2pH soil (sulfured in addition to what happens to the other beds) we’ve had P deficiency, most of the leaves blown off, they’re starting to settle in and produce green leaves again. The strawberry is fruiting, I didn’t realize those plants stay pretty small, in hindsight would have filled the container more so they weren’t inside the rim. Lettuce that has been neglected and I don’t have any idea what to do with.

Got the cages on today. Trimmed down the cover crop so I could see what the hell I was doing.


907 Blue Genes:

Indiana Bubblegum:

Still using the camp fire skewers because she’s pretty flexible. Training wheels of sorts.

Original Bubblegum Autos:
These have been way slow. Don’t know if it’s the hot soil or my stupidity, probably both. Topped them yesterday so I have two growths, I’ll reverse one side and pick the best donor to hopefully create Fast Fem IBG seeds.

Thanks for looking, let me know if there’s something I need to fix or do better. Have a great day!