2023 "Field of Dreams"

I figured about the peppers. I got all distressed about it a few years ago when I started casually gardening. If you want a laugh, here’s what my garden looked like in 2021:


If life is all about the journey, we’ve come a ways in two years of doing this gardening thing here. The dirt is alive and rich now. You can compare any picture of the last two years to 2021 and see a massive difference in just about everything.

Regarding the lawn, I picked up some Moorganite N fertilizer and spread at the initial application rate suggested. It’s based on cow/chicken poop as well as feather meal. It STINKS. I debated at Tractor Supply whether to go the synthetic route because at least it wouldn’t stink, organics won out because I want to improve my soil long-term. I’m paying the price now with my olfactory glands :rofl:

My compost tea smells good again but mostly all I can smell is that bag of Moorganite in the shed. I need to get it into a 5-gallon bucket so I can seal it up. I’ll do that this afternoon.

The grass should be the right things fundamentally, I did a mix of things common around here that people with actual lawns suggested. My mother-in-law was over last evening and said it was looking great, it’d fill in but that’s just how it looks when it starts. I have no idea, this is my first real try. It makes me feel better to trust her :slightly_smiling_face:

I added a pack of Dynomyco they gave me at CannaCon a couple weeks ago to the compost tea, we’ll see how everything likes it.

Yeah the autos were a tad early but I think I’ll manage to get some pollen, which was really the goal. Regarding topping, definitely heard that and decided to try anyway. People seem to have mixed results. They’ll probably start stretching and showing pistils soon, as long as I can get a few grains of fem pollen I’ll be a happy camper. Ordered some Auto Fastberry to try the same “fast feminizing” cross to the 907, that’d be starting in the prime window of summer. Learning as I go, for sure. Read most of the day yesterday about STS and reversing autos, gathering, drying and storing pollen.

Have a great day everybody!