2023 "Field of Dreams"

I’m getting some leaf yellowing on Panalawi and IBG. I added a small amount of worm castings to the IBG as shes a few weeks into flower already so I don’t want to just dose her with giant N. Panalawi, just starting flower and 10’+ tall, obviously needs some more of that N to keep her going. Added probably 4 cups, just a thin layer I worked into the top with a hand rake. I don’t want them wanting or needing for anything right now, they should be focused on growing. Nugs in the case of 907 and IBG, I think Panalawi is still stretching and growing shoots I’ll give her whatever she wants.

Sprayed BT again this morning as per the 3 day routine to never let moths live beyond hatching. I can’t get to the top 2’ of Panalawi but I’m not as worried about her. Lots of other bugs around the garden, mostly desireable - bees, dragonflies, ladybugs. Fucking grasshoppers though. Those dickheads keep stripping leaves and I always find some humping on Panalawi. Little babies are everywhere. Maybe planthoppers too, can’t tell if they are micro-grasshoppers or what. Not sure what I can do about those but neem, which isn’t a real option because I have no interest in smoking neem oil.

Maybe time for a battery of sticky traps? I bought a giant package of them.