2023 "Field of Dreams"

That glow on the horizon… maybe 10 degrees West of North… is that some town on the Michigan ‘mitten’? or do you have a ‘funny lens’ on?



Have you thought about what your going to use for support on those monsters?


We get the Toronto Air traffic moving both East-West… this main trail was coming In from the North. Really unusual lol

Working on a calendar @FieldEffect for next year and am running through what I’ve got and what I still need. Looking into access for a grassland swamp on the First Nation Reserves Shoreline… couple of good ideas (you’ll appreciate the reverse engineering in many of my landscapes lol. Shit, most of my life)


Ha, its actually the Sunset @Gpaw … come summer time it climbs up the lakes West coast. And I am kind of aimed nnw.
Good call.

Kind of looking at Lexington Mi, if I had to guess. Canon wide-angle, I’m hard-wired Canon since 78 lol (medium format Pentax)


Well boys, we got a pretty rugged hailstorm this afternoon. There’s definitely some battle wounds but I’m not sweating it. As Murphy could have predicted, pretty much only damaged my favorite specimens :rofl:

Hopefully they have all the vitamins and minerals they need to grow stronger bones :muscle:

@MissinBissin I hope I’m on the list for one of those new calendars :wink:

@ColeLennon I thought about a few ways to give em support. I may wind up doing cages like you, depends when I’m able to cull the herd. Maybe in a couple weeks. Plan for now is wrapping a cow panel around em and tall stakes all the way through the bottom of the planters.


Hail storm may work out to your benefit. I dropped a LED on my plants when they were young like that and one of them blew up into basketball size bush.


Hopefully, I’m most worried about the IBG that is already smelling like the buds do. The rest, eh, survival of the stinkiest and strongest.

Smell is the most attractive attribute to me in the IBG and 907, the rest, well, off the island :rofl:



Went out and started some LST/support to give them some help in the weather and make my life easier as they grow. Damage from the hail wasn’t that bad, I expect everything to be fine although some will have a funky structure now.

Sprinkled some EWC on the tops because the last bits of the bag were drying out and I’ve got a fresh bag anyway.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend!


Cool Man!!! I’m looking forward to watching your grow style and techniques. Are those chop sticks. :sunglasses: :peace_symbol:

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I’m a fan of early, simple training. Our wind is pretty rugged sometimes they’re going to need some support. I don’t want to cage them yet or I’ll have a tangled mess to undo when or if any get removed.

A little support, try and direct them towards the shape I want.

I use cheap stuff where it makes sense. They’re BBQ skewers, $1 for 100. I’m bracing the growth sideways or supporting the top node there.

Over the next month they’ll graduate to 30" campfire skewers, $1 for 12.


Killer dude :sunglasses: :metal:

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We got soil test results!

It’s…interesting. I wonder if my sample was just way hot on the montrollionite clay - that would explain the K, Ca, Mg, Na? Note that this was a “whole soil” sample - all the organic bits, just two straight cups of soil. The earlier test was a sifted and dried example, so most of the larger bits of organic stuff got sifted out, which was according to the instructions.

Any thoughts?

21% OM and 24 CeC. pH has lowered to 7.1. Startling (to me) EC of 3.78

Seems scary but the plants seem OK


Here’s the summary in a format I find easier to read.

Red: My original test results, before I did all the ammendments (compost + old soil + pumice mixed 4/1ish, sampled for test 4/15 SCREENED/DRIED SAMPLE)
Green: The calculated results of my ammendments applied 5/1 (3 weeks ago)
Blue: Current results, collected 2 cups of random soil from different spots on the pile 5/7 and shipped 5/8 (2 weeks ago)
Gray: Target values from excess cations worksheet found here: https://soilanalyst.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/WorksheetRevision-03.pdf (it’s page 21-22). This is based on “The Intelligent Gardener” book by Steve Solomon.

I think it’s Montmorillonite hot because that’s about the only thing I added with K and Na in it.

Here’s what the calculated value looks like if I was about 40x HOT there. Startling similarity there. Maybe this was some of that :fire: clay :laughing:

It’s probably important to note that the Montmorillonite analysis I based my caclulations on was a generic range and they seem to vary quite a bit locale to locale.

As a reminder, here’s what I added and their individual assay figures based on what could be found on the interwebz:


“I don’t know shit about fuck” ~ Ruth Langmore :rofl:

Plants and companion plants seem to like it a little hot. How much you want to bet it will be optimum in a month. Once you are heavy feeding the teas. :100:


LOL that’s about how I feel.

Hopefully @Dirt_Wizard or @ReikoX swoops in and either tells me I took a hot sample or that I did some inadvertent alchemy forming K, Ca, Mg and Na from P and Fe :joy:

I do know that the plants are seeming happy and at the end of the day that’s what counts.

I may send them an email asking about the situation just to understand. If I’m basing my amendments on testing I need to be able to get that right.

Mixing a cubic yard of soil is a challenge in itself. I’m guessing my mix wasn’t good enough, or I made some faulty math. I did shovel scoop by scoop into each 50 gallon one at a time (each local zone of the tarp mix got spread into every pot) so there was final “blend” step that wasn’t captured in the soil test - I just grabbed one cup from opposite corners after rake mixing a few times and cooking it a week. Finding an amendment hotspot wouldn’t come as totally surprising news. Now, anyway, after already getting the surprise and thinking through it.

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My thought process and that is limited to obsessive over-thinking. :rofl: Seems to me if your high or very high “no pun intended” :alien: Once you start actually running some real fluids threw the soil it will amend itself. Right now your barely putting anything in that 50 gallon “like nothing”. I say smoke some IBG chill and not worry about it. Right now high and very high is right where its suppose to be. My thinking. Then again “I don’t know shit about fuck” I just throw shit in a pot. :rofl:


Just FWIW I wasn’t freaking out about the test, just trying to wrap my two remaining brain cells around some of those numbers.

Plants are happy, I’m happy.





Those look really good. Poppin off in there. Looks like the Amazon. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol: I was vapin GG4 last night. I was probably freakin. :rofl:

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LOL I fucking love you buddy! :rofl::joy::grin:


How’s the Gauntlet? Feels like it’s been a few days since I’ve checked on Miss Blueberries :large_blue_circle:

My Blueberry seems to be back at work already after getting roughed up by the hail last weekend. Hopefully yours is in a better mood soon too :+1: