2x2 growers club

Sorry I missed this one

Sounds like you know what you are doing, but since you asked…

In pots that small my experience tells me a soil type approach might not workout as they would need daily if not twice daily waterings.

I’ve had great results with worm castings,rooster booster/various poo from landscaping/gardening section mixed with mainly coco and some perlite and just water for the first 3 weeks or so but eventually they need food.
I’ve used those biotabs specifically for coco, they sucked.
I’ve seen me kanucks method on YouTube, looks hectic.

Have you thought about doing a soil bed or big pot like @grow with his
2x2 20 gallon living soil

I’ve done the soil thing and appreciate it but just don’t have the patience when coco allows for easy hydroponics in your case l like :

Cratky : I’d recommend a bag of maxibloom or check out jacks 321 , this is super simple

Flood and drain, well this is amazing with coco in a fabric pot , works great with LED in a micro set up as you won’t need a chiller

I’d love to see your cabinet, any pics?