5 weeks into veg

these are my 4 plants . I switched the lights to 12/12 3 days ago. I am waiting on the sex.



Sexyyy. Love veg pics. You should invest in a pack of 5 23w cfls and a few cheap 5 dollar lamps for taking pics. Just flick off the led. Flick on the cfls for pics. I personaly use a single 55w cfl thats like 6400k and a single reflector for it and it has a clamp i can clamp places for taking pics. Its great for people using china blurple lights.


Are you planning on taking cuts and revegging the cuts or are you just flowering?

Regular seeds are pretty rare nowadays :smiley: good to see someone still experimenting with them :thumbsup:


@lotus710 your right about getting those cfls for pics, we all want to see the natural color of the plants. @ryasco I was planning on taking cuttings in the beginning, but since I’m not sure what genetics I’m working with here, I will just weed out the males and let the girls do there thing. I plan on using clones or feminized seeds for my next round, maybe og kush or bubba kush. The sativa side is showing me those sexy 9 or even 11 fan leaves.
Does reveging a cutting work pretty good? Maybe I will consider trying it out. @HydroPower regular seeds are fun, it makes things more exciting, time wise it takes a lot more waiting than I would like. I will most likely go with Scrog and lst next round when I have known ladies.

I always sex in veg then take cuttings. The reveg takes to long for me and i like everything to be easy and stress free. (for me and the plant)

With some strains I’ve found it difficult to tell sex by preflowers. But in say 80% it works well.

Sometimes it is pain in the ass waiting for clone to reveg… It is a lot of stress for it to root and flower in the same time :slight_smile:
So I prevent it by taking clones before 12/12 switch.
Yes it takes more time with regular seeds, basically you are doing double work :smiley: I always prefer to work with pre-sexed plants because I want to utilize all available space and not end up with free room left after males :smiley:

Grow them out. Take clones. Flower moms. Keep the good clone. Always clone. Youll never find it again.