12 hours to show gender, then reveg, flower

Growing with regular seeds. After a few weeks the babies went to 13 hours for a few days (to sex), then back to around 15 or 16 hours for a couple weeks to continue to veg before flip. Reduced hours to determine sex quicker, which worked, but then came some reveg. Typical 1 or 3 fingers with that puffy strange leaf look. One light had new bulb higher intensity, plants under that light did not start to flower in veg much at all, but the weaker light had much more reveg with flowers looking like they were going into week 2 but it was only the first day of flipping to 12 hrs for flower. I understand is safer to just go into 12 hrs earlier to sex and stay in flower, but we wanted to size them up and take some cuts so it was better to get some reveg at the 16 hours for the cuts to root. My friend thinks the plants may not be worth finishing, currently ending week 1 since the flip to 12hrs. Half the plants have the 1-3 finger leaves and are looking like they are in week 2 or 3 of flower, not the first week. I believe it will not likely hurt the yield much and it is worth continuing for at least 7 more weeks, maybe more (8-9 week cultivar). He decided to put them into 8 hour light days (16 dark) for a few days, but I think the lights should go back to 12 hrs now (they started flowering at 13 hours a couple weeks ago, at this point I think the hormones are in flower stage but I think he believes they are still too many hormones in the veg stage). I have way more experience with outdoor than indoor, I’ve made the minor mistake of putting plants out too early in spring then they reveg a little, but I still harvest in the fall and the flowers have been fine (I would prune the flowers and feed with more nitrogen to get them back into late spring veg). So for the current indoor issue, is this indoor reveg an issue serious enough to not go through with flowering? Plants are healthy and look good besides the reveg single finger puffy leaf look and looking like they are in week 3 of flower not week 1.

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If I were to do it over, I would put them in 12-13 hrs for a few days and then go back to 18-20 hrs in veg (I understand they will show sex naturally after a month or two, usually after the 4th node). The plants with the weaker light and the 15ish hrs went too far into flower without staying in veg. I’m the one who does most of the cultivating in this grow, but the grow is at my friend’s house, so he calls the shots. I wasn’t sure how long he would want to veg and whether or not he wanted to take cuts. So basically, it wasn’t perfect scheduling and the reveg one fingered leaves aren’t pretty, but will it matter much in a few weeks?


This photo is the worst of the reveg, starting week 2

I’m afraid you may have lost time trying to save time.

I’ve done a few reveg plants and it can take weeks for them to adjust back into a veg cycle.

That said, I think they’ll be fine, just a little delayed.

But I’ve never been in your exact position.


Other than the reveg leaves everything is just fine with the grow… not aesthetically pleasing right now but will be just fine at the end of flower… And it’s just a few leaves that are off but they come out of it in later branching 🤷 it’s the flowers you wanna worry about :wink:


thanks for the reply. The thing is that I don’t want to adjust them back into a veg cycle, I want to continue to flower. I want them to stack nice, as if they never went into reveg a couple weeks ago. This is a Runtz cross. But you’re right, if I were to want to reveg it would take a couple weeks, but I only would consider that if I were to put these plants outside for the outdoor season. I want to keep these inside and harvest in less than 65 days.


Keep in mind for next time, plants will show sex in veg and can still stay in veg until you want to flower them but changing their cycle will confuse them a bit but theyll bounce back


This exactly :slight_smile:

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that’s what I was thinking toastyjakes, I just hope they stack in flower like usual and this reveg didn’t make them squirrely, larfy and/or foxtail hard.

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completely agree, however, we thought we would find the gender a couple weeks earlier by throwing them into 13hrs for a few days. It sucks to put a lot of light energy, space, transplanting etc of the males.


Yea but a plant won’t show you sex before 28-35 days anyway, even plants started in 12/12 have to be sexually mature before they start to flower,…


Vegging again now may actually make that plant more of a monster still, check out monster cropping, it’s basically the same thing and produces some good looking flowers


yeah I’ve seen the monstercropping and thanks for the info. I would have thrown them back into veg quicker and harder, but it was bad communication with the lights and I needed more manpower to free up space/tplant. I’ve seen many plants sex before 30 days under 12 hours and I’ve kept some in veg that didn’t sex until after 40 days. It is probably cultivar specific. Thanks for your thoughts.

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Also using two different lights (one had old bulb and glass layer) played a role in this reveg, as they were on the same light cycle but the more powerful light didn’t reveg much at all. The other plants stayed in veg and kept the 5 fingered leaves, but they did have a little bit of that smooth puffy leaf look.

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Thanks for all this useful info Arriba|nullxnull , let me now ask a doubt I had: I managed to root my first clone (from 4 :sweat_smile:) and actually is 24/7 from the beginning. If I move it directly to the flower tent (12/12) will it keep growing normally as it will have started from seed 12/12 or will it start to flower because of the light decreasing?

Sorry for interrupting this thread but this kind of concept is hard to understand and assimilate … :thinking:

From my experience, assuming that the clone and seed are both less than a month old, clones will go to flower quicker when moved to 12 hrs. I usually don’t go straight from 24 light to 12 hrs, I like to stage down the hours like nature does. I know a lot of people that go straight from 24 to 12 or 18 to 12 so its not a big deal, but that’s not your question. So yes, I think the clone will start to flower soon, within a week, with the light decreasing. And if you let it go to 12 hours for a week or more and then want to go back to 18 or 24hrs to veg, you will likely have the reveg issue seen in this thread, one and 3 fingered smooth leaves. However, since you have a clone I assume you know it is the desired sex (F), so you won’t need to go to 12 hours to sex you can wait to flip until you are satisfied with the structure of your plant.

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Thanks for the quick reply, yes, it is a lady. I will switch her then to 18/6 for some time to let her grow before flipping, Revegging seems not to be a good option, you’ve been very instructive, hope you will stick around the place … beer3|nullxnull

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