Germination and into cups...under lights, gave first 1/2 strength nutes yesterday

Made it from germination to 1st transplant into cups.

Everyone looks ok. Next step will be 1gal pots.
These are all reg seedlings, so need to be sexed.
I’m thinking that at Week 4, I’ll throw them into 12/12 for about a week, and then once sexed, back to a 20/4 cycle.

I’d like to hear the thoughts of you more experienced growers on this approach…



Everything looks good.

At 4-5-6 weeks they should show sex anyway so I wouldn’t bother flipping them to find out.

All the best


Thanks. If I flip them earlier, will they show earlier?



Tbh probably not, usually around 4-5 I see sex, they need to be sexually mature to show sex. I’d just wait it out like @Foreigner said. It’ll be faster than you think.


I’ve never done it but I don’t think so. From what I hear even at 12/12 from seed they still take weeks to show anyway.


Thanks guys. Last year I had all Wedding Cake fems, so no worries. Year before I had 16 plants, and we were still guessing when they were 3’ tall.

I bought one of the OG recommended microscopes to get a closer look, not just at trichomes but also to help sexing.

These old eyes need all the help they can get :wink:


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I use a magnifying glass for sexing and a microscope for trichs :+1: really helps in the early stages.

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I read on another site…forget which one, that you can take a cutting/clone and place it in water, put it under 12/12, and it will show quickly, and you avoid have to switch the whole plant.

Might look around for that snipit too.


p.s. Found it, or something similar:
However, if you don’t know that you have a female, you can take a clone and put the clone in a flowering light cycle, and in about 2 weeks, more or less, it will show sex. Then you will know what the sex of the plant is that it was cut from.


I saved some tomato seeds last year from one of my favorite heirloom varieties, German Yellow, or Mr. Stripey. I did it because I’d never saved seeds before and thought it would be fun to try it out.
The seeds ended up in the same mason jar as my pot seeds, so while I was germinating the pot, I thought I’d see if the tomatoes would germinate.
They did, so I stuck them in some seed starting mix. Stoooopid early to do tomato plants up here, but hey…what can I say, I like to play :wink:

These both popped at the same time, and got moved into the same mix. One on the left I brought downstairs 4 days ago and put on a south-facing windowsill, the one on the right stayed under the lights.
Not just a difference in growth, but color of the leaves as well.

Keep growin’!!!



All 50 doing well so far. They’re under 24/7 lights right now, keep forgetting to take a timer up there with me. Should get that done this afternoon and will go 20/4.

Grow Strong :wink:


p.s. That one scrawny one is actually a tomato…he’s just hanging out with the cool kids for now, like smokin’ in the boy’s room :wink:


These were from the first pop…A platinum pineapple, and a GG4 X POG.
I think they’re coming along pretty well. Just need to sex them and then repot.



Are those preflowers?


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Still hard to tell on sex for sure IMO, the boys will throw little balls, some do seem to take forever though

I’m growing some regs from seed from an outdoor grow and they look nothing like the original plants from that grow, maybe the tent environment and the led light makes the difference, they’re WAY more vigorous and healthy than the outdoors grown plants were.

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Benefits of a controlled environment?..that would get my bet.

Especially in early days. When they get all grow’d up, they can handle the changes better?


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It’s WAY early, no question…but sorta looks like it.


Mine didn’t show until they were this big:


How old is that plant?


5 weeks or so?