7 Years of OverGrow Anniversary Party: Stickers, T-shirts, Prizes, Seeds and Mushrooms!

Yeah bats can kill 3000 gnats and mosquitos an hour which is awesome. I have one in my backyard, but he must be as blind as a bat because he has slammed into the side of my head twice now while eating bugs haha :rofl:


haha I almost had that happen but luckily, he juked the last second. I felt the wind from his flight path on my face. Phewww


When I was spelunking we came to a massive section of a cave and there were millions of bats flying around in that room. We watched for a while and saw that they veered off near the wall so we put our backs to the rock wall and edged our way through that section. I’m telling you it was an experience. Thousands of them flying by your face all the way. Now that was fun.


Really? Meat, eggs and guard animals? I gotta look into these things. I… have a lot of space to cover, and two dogs and four cats are great but it would be nice to up that security, in addition to a stable food source along with it. I considered geese or shudder swans, but there just isn’t easy access to the standing water they need. Same with ducks. I… don’t think kiddie pools cut it, do they? Not trying to be pretentious, I’m literally asking.

Addit: @InTheWoods I really gotta keep an eye on your grows a little more closely. Sounds like you’re going same build I am. Permaculture with a little trimming around the edges.


That would freak me out haha.

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I’m blending a bunch into one. No till, Soil building, permaculture, beneficial planting. I usually do trim the edges but didnt this year. It makes a nice wind break for the garden. I will probably continue to let the edges grow out in the future.

The chickens make the compost in the big run. Each year I take from the bottom and sift and add to the garden each year. Then replace the woodchips each year. Takes about 40 yards to get 1 ft depth in the run. A big carbonaous diaper. We toss all weeds, scraps, grass clippings in the run.

Guard gooses are also a great security to add to the flock. Mainly for Hawks and airborne predators from what I understand.


Those individuals are very nice looking examples of ball pythons. I used to have one named Marley cuz he would always go toward the smoke whenever anyone puffed.


Peacocks are good security animals too. When I lived out in the boonies of SW Washington, a couple of our neighbors used them as “watch dogs”. Haven’t eaten one personally, but it is considered a delicacy.


:point_up: Correctamundo. Lots of Hawks, Bald Eagles and Falcons too.

My uncle raised them at one time in a little aviary. Meaner than geese. Straight up.


I’m sure peacocks are considered a delicacy to anyone who doesnt ever have to be around them when they are alive. They sound like the groans of a cow being trampled by an elephant.


C’mon it’s not THAT bad :rofl:

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To me they sound like Nelson.


If you eat a guinea you have to harvest them young. The older they get the tougher the meat. Old enough and a leather boot would be easier to consume.


Don’t forget bug control and fertilizer


Yeah, Guinea meat is yummy. Its gotta be young though. But the insect control is amazing! And they generally don’t touch fruits and veggies.


I have a family of crows in my backyard and it is hilarious seeing them running around on the ground chasing bugs. This year we have an explosion of grasshoppers , small brown and green ones and big grey fuckers that fly and have yellow wings. I am inspecting the greenhouse every couple hours and find a few every inspection… the crows though… they are hilarious when they spot a grasshopper and run as fast as they can to catch it. I should take a video one morning as it is pretty funny to watch


That sounds like good fun to watch smoking a j

F*@# peacocks neighbors have 4 males. Twice a year is mating season and they screech the most high pitched ear shattering squawk all day and night. Oh ya if they are scared, which could be my car door closing 200 yards away, and they go crazy for about 2 min. Day or night hear a sound raise hell for a couple of mins. The sound is so high pitched that it penatrates walls, windows, brain cells lol. They are horribly destructive by digging and their poo is toxic. Called animal control they said oh they aren’t pets they are just migrating! WTAF migrating? Aren’t migrating birds supposed to be able to fly more than 50’ at a time and theyve been here over 5 years did they give up and say hey this is good. Migrating ya right.


My neighbors have like freaking 15 of them damn things fuck me I hate em!!!.


Theres a river at the bottom of my/grandmother’s property, and we get loaded with geese. I hate em just because of how much they shit and make a mess of things down there.
I’m not very knowledgeable about animal feces being used as fertilizer, but would goose poop have any kind of uses? Just curious as theres literally tons of it.