7 Years of OverGrow Anniversary Party: Stickers, T-shirts, Prizes, Seeds and Mushrooms!

@Rhai88 BAMBAM That is some fire



I LOVE IT @LzBoy thanks for sharing that, definitely has me smiling


I would rock the 240 parking but never a butt stain.

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One of my pets.


SURE been a pleasurable time ,Seed Saving OGers…I’m between homes ,one at a time grows ,seeds ,smoke dope jump rope eat canalope…sorry to Say…,What is SSDD…may I also grow strain , pass it on ,off we go sharing , have good Sunday ,youall come back now hear. Peace in the middle east , thanks.

Very cool and OG of y’all!!!

I’ll get your addy and send a couple packs of your choice back at ya! @Pawsfodocaws

Same offer for you @Rhai88 . Send me a message if you interested.


No problem man. Thanks :blush:


Sunshine Day Dream if I can recall correctly.


I CAN’T. God I need to land some even f’s :rofl:

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0000 0
0001 1
0011 2
0111 3
if I remember my computer math trhat was hose base 2 goes


Every time the bell rings a pack of seeds gets it wings…

Congratulations Winner! @Cannabinoid Expect a PM inviting you to the secret seed vault within minutes.


Congrats @Cannabinoid


Nice one @Cannabinoid!
Wtg Helio. :slightly_smiling_face:


As the sun goes down on the east coast, the west coast watches the sunset…

Seems like a good time for a campfire.

Sit yourself down for a spell, relax and get lit… my first story goes back to a summer long ago, (dream ripples) I remember it like it was yesterday.

The first day of summer vacation had arrived, the 80’s had just begun. Up late for an early lunch and out the door lickty split, straight over to Shelly’s house. We’ve been friends for as long as I can remember, she pretty and gives me a queasy stomach from time to time, by looking at me in a way I don’t understand. She is waiting on the porch with a towel around her neck, we head to lake for a swim and to test ourselves. Walking with her was like being free of everything else, the conversation flowed and nothing else around me mattered, I really didn’t know what the feeling was as I do now.

All the way there we talked of how we will summon the courage to take the leap of faith, speaking bold of how we have no fear over the matter of trembling hands. Once we arrive, a lump forms in my throat looking up to where I’ll be standing soon. Our other friends are already there, playing Frisbee and catch with a football. The ten of us were a bit of a gang but we didn’t hunt people down to kick their ass or anything like that. Together we were invincible with our resolve to conquer any obstacle in our path.

First up is Mike, he is the oldest of us all and often talks us into things we really don’t want to do, up the embankment he goes to the bridge above, climbing over the railing at the top he runs for the third light pole on the bridge over the lake. From there it’s 75 feet to the water, he stands on the concrete base that holds the light pole and waves to us on the shore. Suddenly he leaps and becomes a spear with hands held up over head and feet pointed down. It only lasts 2.5 seconds, but the feeling is weightless flight straight down.

Harry and Clifford go and then Melissa, the others follow until it’s just shelly and I looking at each other. Scrambling up the slope, helping each other up here and there, grabbing the railing to pull myself up a semi truck whizzes by with an enormous rush wind laced with sand and diesel fumes. Scared and staring to show it, I climb over first, offering a hand to her at the top. There is little traffic this time on a Saturday, so we should be safe to make the run.

Starting at a jog and working my way up to full tilt, we stride side by side past the first pole, then the second. Slowing our pace as we reach the third light pole, I can feel my heart hammering from the hundred yard sprint, stopping to look around, she climbs up on the concrete base as I boost her up. Reaching the top, standing together the wind whips and twists around us. White cap waves that lap so large on the shore, look like little ripples around my feet with toes hanging slightly over the side. There’s yelling from the water, “ come one chickens!!! Jump already!”. Looking into her crystal blue eye’s with long blonde hair blowing all around, she takes my hand and says “on 3”.

Time and motion seems to be slowing, turning my head up to look at the sky, we lift arms up… “1” I yell at the top of my voice, “2” she screams with a piecing cry, “3” we call out in unison. Leaping into the air, I look over to see the fear mirrored on her face as we take the leap of faith. Accelerating in one second to a blinding speed, I suck in all the air my lungs will hold, she does the same. For one second we are falling together into the water below, never to know the feeling of being to scared, ever again. Adrenalin is starting it’s dizzy ways, suddenly the water roars into my ears, losing my grip on her hand in the splash. Sinking quickly at first the motion of falling slows. Kicking my feet hard, my skin is burning with tingles from the friction of moving fast through water.

Looking up to the surface I can see fractured sun light, I’m at least 25 to 30 feet below, air bubbles all around in every size are racing me back to the atmosphere. Shelly’s foot kicks my arm, becoming aware of her location we struggle to the top, relieved we have survived. Breaking the surface right behind her, gasping for air, an uncontrollable laugh bursts forth from me, wiping the water from my eye’s and throwing my head back. Swimming back to shore is easy, we relate our feeling in short blurps like “that was like, so totally narly”, “like… fer sur”.

Moving up the sandy shore to the rocks under the bridge, we crawl up to the path that leads to the park. There’s no one else around, shivering with goose bump skin I hold her close and share my warm, wrapping my arms around her. Laying her head on my chest, with a bear hug in place, she whispers “It’s going to be a great summer”. Looking up at me, falling toward to those passionate red lips, my eye’s start to close… A massive hand grabs me by the neck and another by the arm, a booming voice breaks me free of the moment I have longed for… for so long, “your under arrest!”.

Two officers of the Police department are taking us out from under the bridge where we see our friends laying face down in the grass. The taller officer pulling me along barks “do you know how dangerous it is to be jumping off the bridge?”, I stay silent and shrug my shoulders, he tells Shelly “you should know better little lady”. The third officer tells our friends to stand up, the officers bring us over to join the group.

They are talking to each other for a moment, the tallest one starts to speak… “ I’m going to spare you the speech about drowning and cut to the chase. There’s a little old lady that lives right over there and she called us in a frantic panic to report that children were committing suicide right before her very eye’s“. We all start laughing and he gives us a look that says it’s not funny… A sneaky smile creeps into his frown. He sighs and says, “I know every one of you trouble makers and I’m going to arrest all of you if you do this again, now all of you go over and apologize to her for scaring her half to death”.

She is standing in her yard, looking at us with dismay while we are crossing the street to beg her forgiveness for causing such great worry. After explaining that we wanted to start the summer off with something spectacular, we all laughed and talked about how awesome it is that every one in the neighbor hood looks out for each other and their children. Turning to leave our new found friend after a long conversation about life and how precious it is, Miss Patterson ends the good bye with “Maybe you should jump off the other side of the bridge where no one can see you”, she said with a wink and a wave of her hand.

Do you have a story or a joke you would like to tell? Please do, if not I’ll be posting another story in about 30 minutes.


That was really awesome @Heliosphear . I enjoyed that, well wrote.


that was awesome thank you for that.


Thanks @Pawsfodocaws I’m scrolling back up to look thru the over 100 posts since I was here yesterday. I’m thinking I’m about to drop all my like reserves. :smiley:

Thanks @GEMI-CONNECT616 another story in 20 minutes. :sunglasses: it’s about a campfire. :sunglasses:


Btw I have a celebration cannagar for the anniversary, come on over @Heliosphear. If your scrolling you might see it… :wink:
@Rhai88 your invited as well


I guess it’s winner picking time… since @Heliosphear is on Campfire story intermission.

@Heliosphear that story had me on the edge dude… I remember my first time jumping cliffs here in AZ on Lake Mohave years ago. NOPE! One and done for me. Definitely not my bag but there was a beautiful woman I was trying to woo with badassness. lol

:partying_face: Congrats @ChronicMcBudz
Please PM me with your choice of seeds and details! :slight_smile:



wow killer @Rhai88 …thank you so much…congrats to @ChronicMcBudz