7 Years of OverGrow Anniversary Party: Stickers, T-shirts, Prizes, Seeds and Mushrooms!

I havent had any edibles in a little while, but mushrooms work well :upside_down_face:


I don’t even have to be creative :laughing: between stuff that I’ve been given by friends to hold onto, things I’ve bought for family to use, and things I’ve bought with the intention of one day getting to use, my arsenal looks like a full blown pot head stash :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:


Them things are great.

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hmmm i did some nice shrooms last night and anchored up in the middle of the lake for the meteor showers. Haven’t done shrooms in years and it was extremely groovy. Not sure what kind they were but they tasted like sunflower seed LOL We were pretty giggly for a while and every time I felt things getting a bit intense , I lit a joint. Kept us on even keel till the sun started to just brighten the sky a bit and the wife got us all home safely as she was sober and doesn’t partake i the cannabis or shrooms… poor girl LOL


That sounds awesome man, must’ve been great.



Made an ooopsies here :laughing:


Love this format so much, thanks @Rhai88 !


@OhNo555 @blowdout2269 @carty @bobgrows
@Mrgreenthumb @Pigeonman @HeadyBearAdventures @Kgrim


Ooo, my favorite game. Thanks Rhai!

Good call on the tag @420noob.
Hey @NDNCHILD, you played? :wink:


I have not! @blowdout2269 Just got done checking the plants…. again. Thanks for the tag!
Thanks @Rhai88 for a little late night fun! :star_struck::partying_face::partying_face:
This looks pretty cool!


Thanks for the tag @420noob
Outta likes AGAIN until sometime later today, LOL

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I’m right there with ya man here’s some :heart:

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Ehmm… You don’t like cows? :grin:
My entry for the pets contest is not in the list :thinking:


@Pawsfodocaws I hear ya!!! :heart:
Been a LONG pretty shitty day, been on tonight for a while. Didn’t sleep good last night, and having a hard time sleeping tonight. Been hit with a lot since last Wednesday, and it’s all culminating later today.
Moms broke her femur, was supposed to go home from the rehab House yesterday, nope, screws came loose, 2nd surgery here in about 6 hrs. Aunt Pat (my godmother) passed Friday at noon, funeral later today, and a real good friends old dog got attacked by 2-100#+ dogs Saturday and almost killed her. Kona’s a strong, stubborn ole girl (14yrs) but she’s got a long road to recovery she’s got to weather. Did my 3hrs of P.I. work tracking the bitch who owns the dogs, because she put them into “hiding” because she knew Animal Control was coming for them yesterday. She is being watched, tracked, and noted where she goes so we can get the dog that did the most harm. She’s got folks following her, an air tag on her truck, and noted taken on paper and an app so we can get this dog put down before it attacks another dog, or god forbid, a small child.
Sorry for the Rant, just a little slap happy from lack of sleep, and stress.


Mhmm… Blueberry Diesel :drooling_face:
This time it’s not US/CAD only?
Just before im blocking numbers (again)…

Blessings from Spain @Kgrim
:green_heart: :green_heart:

Hey man I feel it we have a family member that just busted her leg, older gal. So we’re giving Constant care, she has altzheimers and doesn’t know what’s going on. Shit has been insane man. To rough lately :confused: no apologies needed for a rant I hope that dog and owner gets what they deserve for what happened to that poor dog, heaven forbid a child. Wow. Shit has been tough, I feel for you man. I’m hoping all goes better for you.



Holy chit that’s lot for a year, never mind a week.
Thoughts n prayers :pray:
And thanks @Rhai88 for thinking of all around the globe.
How else we gonna overgrow it?
GN all


Positive vibes for ya man @Kgrim

Appreciate it BIG TIME!!! The OG family has stepped up and can’t say Thank You enough for the prayers, condolences and such.
The dog WILL be found, and the crazy bitch was served her lawsuit papers after Animal Control stopped at her house.
Moms is in good spirits, she’s got a pretty good attitude about the whole situation, even after the screws came loose and she needs another operation.
And Aunt Pat is no longer suffering or in pain. She wasn’t exactly doing the greatest, but it only took 9 days from diagnosis to passing., so we are glad it didn’t get drawn out for months. The Hospice Tesm went above and beyond to help my cousin the last week, and we are forever grateful to them for the extra work and effort they provided: