7 Years of OverGrow Anniversary Party: Stickers, T-shirts, Prizes, Seeds and Mushrooms!

I play guitar, mandolin and harmonica mostly but I can pick along with a banjo enough to not get in the way and I can make some noise with a fiddle. I mean NOISE like fighting cats would be proud of. lol


Very cool game! @Franklin inspired us to cut up a bit. Thank you! Congratulations winners! #1 couldn’t have gone to a better guy on a great day! Nice win @MoBilly and @GallacreekD66 !! :partying_face::partying_face:


I love to hear good fiddle music. ^that is hilarious :laughing:

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Mandolin would be fun. I play guitar, fiddle, banjo- learning to get better… and that’s it lol. I’ve been playing guitar for 20 years I am most proficient at that, rather than the others.


That’s awesome!!! I’d forgot we had a game going I was having fun chatting. lol
I trust you man. Hook me up with something amazing. I like surprises. And thanks so much. :slight_smile:
PS. I’m all about the pain medicine. :slight_smile:


I don’t think she can send that :laughing:

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Yeah. What he said. Thanx again man

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As am I. I’ve been picking for about 40 years. Most of that time I focused on guitar and harmonica. It helped me through some hard times when I was in a wheelchair.


That’s the best news I’ll hear today @MoBilly
Fuck Cancer :reminder_ribbon:

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That’s what my Granddaughter started on.

Thanks @LzBoy . :slight_smile: :+1:

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@Pawsfodocaws. Hey Paws. Just got back in town and got my slap in the mail. Thanks a bunch!!

Your letter is in the mailbox!


I love this gifted Ibanez s470dx. It’s my only one I’ve kept over the years. Started out with the same one in copper tone. Pure shredder

I had a broken femur hip and knee and I was on crutches for 2 years. Guitar was what got me through it.


Hell ya! Been an ibanez bass guy myself for about 20 years. :metal:



Hell ya thats sick


Time to get an OG house band together… :laughing:

Since you showed me yours… ha…


Have played nearly everything over the years. Metal to bluegrass.

Currently in a country rock group, funk/jam/r&b/soul group, and still play some bluegrass with a trio every now and then. :slight_smile:

Doing a fill in gig in a couple weeks at the MN state fair doing like 90s/2000s rock hits. Thats gonna be a fun one!


That’s awesome. I play everything from heavy melodic rock to blues. And random stuff too. It’s all fun. Currently working on learning parts of miles of machines by Jeff Loomis. I want to play like him, he’s sick.


Nice man. Love it

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I was a vocalist, so I don’t really have any fancy gear. Learned the basics in choir, honed it singing classic rock as I drove around as a teenager. Got a Superior In State in a choir competition once. Never could get a band together though. Everybody was just always so out for self, they wanted to lead guitar and vocals, even if they couldn’t sing a note. :sweat_smile: